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CF training program, Phase 2, week 11, 5/6/17 – 11/6/17

Posted 2nd June 2017 by Geoff Stewart


Welcome to week 11 of our second 12 week program of 2017.

This week…

Week 11.  Barbara seems to be working out well for a number of you and there has been some impressive PB action going down in the last few weeks. We are looking for you to build on your numbers this week and hit some WODs with gusto.

Cuddles and cleans  x


Olympic lifting clean day



10 min warm up – coaches choice

10 min warm up – coaches choice

12min – E2MO2M – 6sets

A1. 3x Clean high pull

A2. 3x Power cleans

A3. 3x Front squats

A4 3x Power jerk

12min – E2MO2M – 6sets

B. 6×3 Squat clean n jerks – NO MISSES

12min – E2MO2M – 6sets

A1. 3x Clean high pull

A2. 3x Power cleans

A3. 3x Front squats

A4 3x Power jerk

12min – E2MO2M – 6sets

B.6×3 Power clean n jerks – NO MISSES

3x3min rounds with 3min rest between set

Rounds 1

8x Power clean and press @50/ 40kg

4x Pull ups

Round 2

6x Power clean and press @50/ 40kg

6xPull ups

Round 3

4x Power clean and press @50/ 40kg

8xPull ups

3x3min rounds with 3min rest between set

Rounds 1

8x Power clean and press @40/ 30kg

4x toe down pull up / ring rows

Round 2

6x Power clean and press @40/ 30kg

6x toe down pull up / ring rows

Round 3

4x Power clean and press @40/ 30kg

8x toe down pull up / ring rows



Lower body Pull day



10 min warm up – coaches choice

10 min warm up – coaches choice

12min E2MO2M – 6sets

A. Deadlifts 6×5,5,3,3,3,3 @ 3111@80%+

15min – E3MOM – 5sets

B1. KB Walking lunges x5el

B2. KB Squats x10

B3. KB Walking lunges x5el

B4. KB Swings x10

12min E2MO2M – 6sets

A. Deadlifts 6×7,7,5,5,3,3 @ 3111@80%+

15min – E3MOM – 5sets

B1. KB Walking lunges x5el

B2. KB Squats x10

B3. KB Walking lunges x5el

B4. KB Swings x10

4 rounds for time

10x Burpees

20x wall balls

40x DU

4 rounds for time

10x Burpees

20x wall balls

40x DU


Upper body – Push day



10 min warm up – coaches choice

10 min warm up – coaches choice

10min – E2MO2M – 5sets

A. Bench press 5×5 @3010

12min E3MO3M – 4 sets

B1. Weighted Rings Dipsx10

B2 Weighted Ring lock out 30sec

B3 Press ups x10

B4 FLR 30sec

10min – E2MO2M – 5sets

A. Bench press 5×5 @3010

12min E3MO3M – 4 sets

B1. toe down Rings Dipsx10

B2 Ring lock out 30sec

B3 Press ups x10

B4 FLR 30sec

Working in teams 5 -following the leader 20mins

15x DB thrusters -medium

Bikes Arms only until Thrusters are done.

Working in teams 5 -following the leader 20mins

15x DB thrusters -light

Bikes Arms only until Thrusters are done.

Thursday – gymnastics



Olympic – Snatch day



10 min warm up – coaches choice

10 min warm up – coaches choice

12min – E2MO2M – 6sets

A1. 3x Snatch high pull

A2. 3x Power snatch

A3. 3x OH squats

A4 3x Snatch balance

12min E2MO2M – 6 sets

B.   4×1+1+1 Cluster Snatches (10sec between efforts)

12min – E2MO2M – 6sets

A1. 3x Snatch high pull

A2. 3x Power snatch

A3. 3x OH squats

A4 3x Snatch balance

12min E2MO2M – 6 sets

B.   4×1+1+1 Cluster power snatches (10sec between efforts)

12min EMOM-12sets

Odd. 3x Snatch @ 60%B

Even. ME wall balls

12min EMOM-12sets

Odd. 3x Power Snatch @ 60%B

Even. ME wall balls



Lower body squats day



10 min warm up – coaches choice

10 min warm up – coaches choice

8min EMOM – 8sets

A1. ODD split squats 12 (6el)

A2. EVEN squat to squat jumps 10+5

12min E2MO2M – 6sets

B. Back squats 6×5,5,3,3,3,3

8min EMOM -8sets

Odd. 1 leg squats left leg x6-8

Even. 1leg squats right leg x6-8

8min EMOM – 8sets

A1. ODD split squats 12 (6el)

A2. EVEN squat to squat jumps 10+5

12min E2MO2M – 6sets

B. Back squats 6×7,7,5,5,5,5

8min EMOM -8sets

Odd. Assisted 1leg squats left leg x6-8

Even. Assisted 1leg squats right leg x6-8

Teams 3 catch the leader. Each athlete starts 1 min behind and has 3 rounds each to catch the person in front

9 Power Cleans (60/45)

15 Push-ups

21 Air squats

200 Row

Teams 3 catch the leader. Each athlete starts 1 min behind and has 3 rounds each to catch the person in front

9 Power Cleans (45/30)

15 Push-ups 9scales)

21 Air squats

200 Row



Upper body Pull day



10 min warm up – coaches choice

10 min warm up – coaches choice

10min – E2MOM2M – 5sets

B. Weighted Pull ups 5×3-5 @3011

12min – E3MOM -4sets

C1. False grip ring rows x10

C2.Back extension 30sec hold

C3. Chin ups x10

C4. Chin up hold over bar 30sec

10min – E2MOM2M – 5sets

B. Toe down Pull ups 5×3-5 @3011

12min – E3MOM -4sets

C1. False grip ring rows x10

C2.Back extension 30sec hold

C3. Toes down chin ups x10

C4. Chin up hold over bar 30sec (toe supported)

For time:

1200m Run



8 T2B

12 Squats

For time:

1200m Run


4 picked press ups

8 K2E (scale)

12 Squats