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Crossfit Hackney Weapons Sunday 25/6/2017

Posted 23rd June 2017 by Geoff Stewart

Crossfit Weapons


Warm up and do your mobility – 10mins

A. 8min to AMRAP

10x KB swings

10x push press

10x kBb squats

run 200mtrs (rear alley)


B. 12min

Build up to a good 3rpm Power clean and press for the day between each set do 3MU or 6xmini muscle up practise


C. 24mins- working on your own

1x Power clean and press @B weight

5x Pull ups

9x Burpees

5x Pull up

1x Power clean and press -Heavy

5x Pull ups

9x Burpees


D. Finisher

200 DB walking lunges every 20 steps do 10 bicep curls