CF training program, Squats, week 3 3/7/17 – 9/7/17
Posted 30th June 2017 by Geoff Stewart

Into week 3 of our 6 week squat phase. Read more background about the training plan here.
We are switching our squats around again this week: you’ll have the pleasure of back squatting twice this week and front squatting once, the rep numbers are down into that magic functional zone range, you should be looking at hitting some 3rpm max lifts in your final sets but NO fails please. I’m not one for a sound bite but I seem to be having a number of conversations with members about their comfort zone: you cannot reach your full potential if you train, practice and live within your comfort zone (as Ben Bergeron says) Ask yourself some questions, push a bit harder, try something different.
Have fun. x
Back squats / Pull
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
8min- to complete
A1. FFE Split squats 3×8 @3010
A2. Banded pulls 3×16 @2020
16min -to complete
B1. Back squats 6×3 @ 4010
B2. Weighted pull ups 6×3-5 @ 30X1
10min – EMOM – 10sets
C1. Odd Box jump up step down x10
C2. Even ring rows 45sec ME
8min- to complete
A1. FFE Split squats 3×8 @3010
A2. Banded pulls 3×16 @2020
16min -to compelte
B1. Back squats 5×5 @ 4010
B2. Toes down pull ups 5×5 @ 30X1
10min – EMOM – 10sets
C1. Odd Box jump up step down x10
C2. Even ring rows 45sec ME
10min Alt with a partner
30/30 -Wall balls MX reps please
10min Alt with a partner
30/30 -Wall balls MX reps please
Olympic – Snatch
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
8min -E2MO2M -4sets – Build to 30%MX 1rpm
A1 2xHigh pull
A2 2xMuscle snatch
A3 2xPower snatch
A4 2xFull snatch
A5 2xOH squat
12min -E2MO2M -6sets
B. 6×3 power snatch – build weight each set.
10min – E2MO2M- 5 sets
C. 5×5 Snatch grip pulls @120% Snatch 1rpm
8min -E2MO2M -4sets – Build to 30%MX 1rpm
A1 2xHigh pull
A2 2xMuscle snatch
A3 2xPower snatch
A4 2xFull snatch
A5 2xOH squat
12min -E2MO2M -6sets
B. 6×3 power snatch – build weight each set.
10min – E2MO2M- 5 sets
C. 5×5 Snatch grip pulls @100% Snatch 1rpm
5 rounds AFAP
20x RKBS
10x T2B
20x KB alt lunges
10x Sit ups
4 rounds AFAP
20x RKBS
10x K2E – scales
20x KB alt lunges
10x Sit ups
Front squat / Push
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
8min- to complete
A1 Poliquin Step Up 3 x 8-10
A2.Parelltte press ups 3×10 @4010
15min -to complete
B1. Front squats 6×3 Build weight each round
B2. Incline DB press 6×8 @3111
8min- to complete
A1 Poliquin Step Up 3 x 8-10
A2.Parelltte press ups 3×10 @4010
15min -to complete
B1. Front squats 6×3-5 @ 31×1
B2. Incline DB press 6×12 @31X1
20min working in pairs
12x Box jumps
6x Pull ups
12x Burpees
20min working in teams
6x Piked press ups
12x Box jump step down (step ups)
6x Ring rows
12x Burpees
Thursday – gymnastics
Olympic – clean
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
8min -E2MO2M -4sets – Build to 30%MX 1rpm
A1 2x High pull
A2 2x Scarecrow clean
A3 2x Power clean
A4 2x Push jerk
12min -E2MO2M -6sets
B.6×3 power clean -build weight each set
10min -E2MO2M -5sets (FORM)
C. 5×3 Push jerk / Split jerks
8min -E2MO2M -4sets – Build to 30%MX 1rpm
A1 2x High pull
A2 2x Scarecrow clean
A3 2x Power clean
A4 2x Push jerk
12min -E2MO2M -6sets
B.6×3 power clean -build weight each set
10min -E2MO2M -5sets (FORM)
C. 5×5 Push jerk / Split jerks
3x3min windows (3min work 1 min rest)
Run 200mtrs
AMRAP Single DB thrusters alt every 5reps
3x4min windows (3min work 1 min rest)
Run 200mtrs
AMRAP Single DB thrusters alt every 5reps
Back squats / Pull
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
8min- to complete
A1. Step up 3x10el @3010
A2. Alt KB /DB BOR 3x12ea @2020
16min -to complete
B1. Back squats 4x45sec (WxReps=load)
B2. Weighted pull ups 4xME
8min- to complete
A1. Step up 3x10el @3010
A2. Alt KB /DB BOR 3x12ea @2020
16min -to complete
B1. Back squats 4x45sec (WxReps=load)
B2. Scaled pull ups 4xME
Teams 4
Team bike for max distance – bike never stops
Team of 3 complete – change over bike EMOM
BB 300 thrusters @45/30kg MXRPS each 5
150 Pull ups (scale as needed NO ring rows)
300 cleans @45/30 MXRPS each 5
150 ring rows MXRPS each 10
Teams 4
Team bike for max distance – bike never stops
Team of 3 complete – change over bike EMOM
300 thrusters @ manageable MXRPS each 5
150 Pull ups (scale as needed NO ring rows)
300 cleans @ manageable
150 ring rows MXRPS each 10
Crossfit Hackney Mashup
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
20x walking lunges with MB
20x MB OH pressing
200mtrs MB run
20mins -working with a partner in a YGIG format- AMRAP
7x deadlifts Rx 60/45
5x Power cleans
3x Push press
15min : AMRAP
1 Round of Strict “Cindy”
5x Pull ups
10x press ups
15x Air squats
30 Double-unders
20x walking lunges with MB
20x MB OH pressing
200mtrs MB run
20mins -working with a partner in a YGIG format -AMRAP
7x deadlifts – Manageable
5x Power cleans
3x Push press
15min : AMRAP
1 Round of Strict “Cindy”
5x Pull ups (scaled- not ring rows)
10x press ups
15x Air squats
60 single or 60seconds