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Heavy Metcon 12/7/2017

Posted 11th July 2017 by Geoff Stewart

Warm up because you aint hot enough and get ready for the workout.


Working on you own but with scores up on the board please.


5min Max distance Bike or rower

re-set 2mins

5min ME Complex: – your choice of weight it should be manageable  but tough…

5x Deadlifts

5x Power cleans

5x Push press

5x burpee pull ups

re-set 2mins

4min Max distance Bike or rower

re-set 2mins

4min ME Complex:

4x Deadlifts

4x Power cleans

4x Push press

4x burpee pull ups

re-set 2mins

3min Max distance Bike or rower

re-set 2mins

3min ME Complex:

3x Deadlifts

3x Power cleans

3x Push press

3x burpee pull ups

Etc all the way too 1min and 1 reps.

Work hard move fast and lift heavy..