CF training program, phase 3, week 2 – 9/10/17 – 15/10/17
Posted 6th October 2017 by Geoff Stewart

Welcome to Week 2 of this new monostructural training phase. Read more about it.
So we have found a few people out of their comfort zones in this phase – interestingly not because they ain’t fit ninjas but because they have, to some degree, been left to their own devices to set and maintain a pace and have either gone out too hard or been left with too much in the tank. These first couple of weeks you’ll need to learn your own pacing: where are you weak and where are you strong?
Deep breath x
Lower / Snatch
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12min EMOM -build weight with form
A. Snatch warm up / Complex
Snatch grip DL x1
Snatch grip HP x1
Power snatch x1
Snatch balance x1
12min – E2MOM -6sets
B. 3 position Snatches +2 OHS – Heavier than last week
8min E2MOM -4 sets
C. Back squats 4×5-7 (33X1) @75%
16min -Steady and consistent
D. Running – 400mtrs repeats with a 1:1 work to rest ratio
As time allows:
E1. Split squats 2x12el
E2. Calf raises 2×24
F. Powel raises 2x 15ea
* We would like you to set up a steady pace on the run @ 70% effort an effort you can repeat.
12min EMOM -build weight with form
A. Snatch warm up / Complex
Snatch grip DL x1
Snatch grip HP x1
Power snatch x1
Snatch balance x1
12min – E2MOM -6sets
B. 3 position power snatches +2 OHS – Heavier than last week
8min E2MOM -4 sets
C. Back squats 4×6-8 (33X1) @75%
16min -Steady and consistent
D. Running – 400mtrs repeats with a 1:1 work to rest ratio
As time allows:
E1. Split squats 2x12el
E2. Calf raises 2×24
F. Powel raises 2x 15ea
* We would like you to set up a steady pace on the run @ 70% effort an effort you can repeat.
Upper / Push
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12mins E2MOM -6sets
A. Odd. Seated Strict press 3×7-11@30X0
B. Even. Weighted pull ups 3×5-7 @3010
Part B: 10Mins of
C1: Negative HSPU x5 @ 5sec eccentric
C2: Chest to bar hold 1x 30sec
20min With a partner Alt EMOM
D1. 10x wall balls
D2. 10x Burpees
* you should be aiming to complete both exercise in the minute the rest should allow you to maintain a tempo through whole workout. If you can’t drop a rep on each movement until you can
12mins E2MOM -6sets
A. Odd. Seated Strict press 3×10-12@30X0
B. Even. Toes down weighted pull ups 3×6-8 @3010
Part B: 10Mins of
C1: Piked press ups x5 @ 5sec eccentric
C2: toes down chest to bar hold 1x 30sec
20min With a partner Alt EMOM
D1. 10x wall balls
D2. 10x Burpees
* you should be aiming to complete both exercise in the minute the rest should allow you to maintain a tempo through whole workout. If you can’t drop a rep on each movement until you can
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12 mins – YGIG – (Teams of 3- follow the leader)
A Power clean n press ladder 1 >? -medium
Rest 5 mins
With a partner alt rounds for 8 mins
10x AKBS – Heavy
20x DU
rest 2 min
With a partner alt for 8 mins
Bike 12/15 kcal 85%+
rest 2 min
With a partner alt for 8 mins AFAP
10x DB thrusters -heavy UB
20 DU
rest 2 min
With a partner alt for 8 mins
Rower 12/15 kcals
*Aim for today is keep moving use your rest period wisely and change over quickly and get your Partner back to work.
12 mins – YGIG – (Teams of 3- follow the leader)
A Power clean n press ladder 1 >? – light
Rest 5 mins
With a partner alt for 8 mins
10x RKBS
30x singles
rest 2 min
With a partner alt for 8 mins
Bike 12/15 kcals 85%+
rest 2 min
With a partner alt for 8 mins AFAP
10x DB thrusters
30 singles
rest 2 min
With a partner alt for 8 mins
Rower 12/15 kcals
*Aim for today is keep moving use your rest period wisely and change over quickly and get your Partner back to work.
Thursday – gymnastics
Upper / pull
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12 mins – E2MOM – 6sets
Odd: Pendlay row 6 x 8-12 @30X1
Even: Flat bench press 6 x 8-12 @3010
10Mins of:
B1: BW chest to bar chin ups 6-10 or ring rows 15-20
B2: Weighted dips plus lock out 3-5+30sec
D. Bike and Run – teams 4 -20mins*
Min 1 Bike
min 2. Rest
Min 3. Run
Min 4. Rest
Remedial works
E1. Hamstring curls (Frisbee) 2×15
E2. BB Hip thrusters 2×15
F. YWTs 2x15ea
* We want you to work at a 75% capacity on this piece make a record of distance covered please.
12 mins – E2MOM – 6sets
Odd: Pendlay row 6 x 10-12 @30X1
Even: Flat bench press 6 x 10-12 @3010
10Mins of:
B1: Chest to bar chin ups 6-10 or Banded straight arm pull downs 15-20
B2: Weighted dips plus lock out 3-5+30sec
D. Bike and Run – teams 4 -20mins*
Min 1 Bike
min 2. Rest
Min 3. Run
Min 4. Rest
Remedial works
E1. Hamstring curls (Frisbee) 2×15
E2. BB Hip thrusters 2×15
F. YWTs 2x15ea
* We want you to work at a 75% capacity on this piece make a record of distance covered please.
Lower / cleans
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
8min EMOM – Build weight through sets
Clean warm up
Clean high pull x1
Power clean x1
front squat x1
Push press x1
12 mins E2MOM x 4
3 position Clean + 2 push press / jerk
8 mins -E2MO2M – 4sets
DL. 4×6-10 31X1
20min EMOM – teams 4 please
min 1. BB power clean x5- Medium / Heavy
min 2. Alt leg box step ups (low) -ME @ BW
min 3.BB push press x5 – Medium /Heavy
min 4. Alt rev lunges – ME @BW
8min EMOM – Build weight through sets
Clean warm up
Clean high pull x1
Power clean x1
front squat x1
Push press x1
12 mins E2MOM x 4
3 position Power clean + 2 push press
8 mins -E2MO2M – 4sets
DL. 4×6-10 31X1
20min EMOM – teams 4 please
min 1. BB power clean x5- Medium
min 2. Alt leg box step ups (low) -ME @ BW
min 3.BB push press x5 – Medium
min 4. Alt rev lunges – ME @BW
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
8min – Consistent work
16x KB goblet squats
8x Single arm OH press
16x KB Swings
8x single arm BOR
Working with a partner
Partner 1 – 5min work for max rounds
B1. 20x DB thruster (10ea)
B2. 40x DU /60single
Partner 2- 5min Bike steady pace
Working with a partner
Partner 1
5min work for max rounds
B1. 20x KB swings
B2. 10 box jumps step down
Partner 2
5min Row steady pace
8min – Consistent work
16x KB goblet squats
8x Single arm OH press
16x KB Swings
8x single arm BOR
Working with a partner
Partner 1 – 5min work for max rounds
B1. 20x DB thruster (10ea)
B2. 40x DU /60single
Partner 2- 5min Bike steady pace
Working with a partner
Partner 1
5min work for max rounds
B1. 20x KB swings
B2. 20 box step-ups 10el
Partner 2
5min Row steady pace