CF training program, phase 3, week 4 – 23/10/17 – 29/10/17
Posted 20th October 2017 by Geoff Stewart

Welcome to Week 4 of this monostructural training phase. Read more about it.
What a week of fun you have coming your way. We know you all have your favourite partners to work with and you’re going to be spending some time with them this week. We all know who we like to work with, you lift similar weights, you can move at about the same speed, you’ll work hard together, but maybe it’s time to try someone new (it’s not cheating honest). Girls maybe work with a boy, boys – be scared of the girls. Moving out of that comfort zone does us good – sometimes!
Deep breath x
Lower / Snatch
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12min EMOM -build weight with form
A. Snatch warm up / Complex
Snatch grip paused DL @ knee x1
Snatch high pull x1
Snatch x1
OHS x1
8min – E2MOM -4sets
B. Snatches x3 @ 70%+
8min E2MOM -4 sets
C. 1 1/4 Back squats 4×6 (21X1) @70%
24min -With a partner – Steady and consistent
6x4min windows
Run 400mtrs with partner
in remaining time alt movements with partner
10x RKB swings
10x KB clean n press (5ea)
10x KB squats
12min EMOM -build weight with form
A. Snatch warm up / Complex
Snatch grip paused DL @ knee x1
Snatch high pull x1
Power snatch x1
OHS x1 -as form
8min – E2MOM -4sets
B. Power snatches x3 @ 70%+
8min E2MOM -4 sets
C. 1 1/4 Back squats 4×6 (21X1) @70%
24min -With a partner – Steady and consistent
6x4min windows
Run 400mtrs with partner
in remaining time alt movements with partner
10x RKB swings
10x KB clean n press (5ea)
10x KB squats
Upper / Push
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12mins E2MOM -6sets
A. Odd. OH press / push press 3×3+3@30X0
B. Even. Pull ups 3xME
Part B: 10mins of
C1: HSPU x5-10 or x5 (5sec eccentrics)
C2: Horizontal ring rows with weight x10-15
30 Minute EMOM
1. 12 push presses (40/25)
2. 16 sumo deadlift high pulls (24/20)
3. 12 box jumps (24/20)
4. 40 DU
12mins E2MOM -6sets
A. Odd. OH press / push press 3×3+3@30X0
B. Even. Toes down pull ups 3×10-12
Part B: 10mins of
C1: Piked HSPU x5-10 or x5 (5sec eccentrics)
C2: Horizontal ring rows x10-15
30 Minute EMOM
1. 12 push presses (40/25)
2. 16 sumo deadlift high pulls (24/20)
3. 12 box jump step down (24/20)
4. 60sec singles
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
10min – alt with partner
12x BB back squats -light
12x press up
12x BB back squats
12x ring rows
Rest 3 mins
10min alt with partner
15x BB back squats – medium UB
Bike x10 /12cals
rest 2mins
10min alt with partner
15x Ring rows
Run x100mtrs (rear alley)
Rest 2min
10min alt with partner
15x Pressups
Rowing x10/12cals
*Aim for today is keep moving work at a good solid pace and keep your tempo solid…
10min – alt with partner
12x BB back squats – light
12x press up
12x BB back squats
12x ring rows
Rest 3 mins
10min alt with partner
15x BB back squats – medium UB
Bike x10 /12cals
rest 2mins
10min alt with partner
15x Ring rows
Run x100mtrs (rear alley)
Rest 2min
10min alt with partner
15x Pressups
Rowing x10/12cals
*Aim for today is keep moving work at a good solid pace and keep your tempo solid…
Thursday – gymnastics
Upper / pull
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12 min -E2MO2M -6sets
Odd. Chin ups ME
Even: Flat 1 1/4 bench press 6 x 6 @1010
10Mins of:
B1: Rev grip BB rows 12-15
B2: Dips 12-15
18mn – 6x3min windows with running clock
1.Rowing max distance
2. Single arm OH press 5each arm – Medium
3. Bike max distance
4. Prone DB row alt arms – light
5. DU ME
6. DB thrusters -Medium
12 min -E2MO2M -6sets
Odd. Chin ups ME
Even: Flat 1 1/4 bench press 6 x 6 @1010
10Mins of:
B1: Rev grip BB rows 12-15
B2: Press ups 12-15
18min – 6x3min windows with running clock
Rowing max distance
single arm OH press 5each arm – light
Bike max distance
Prone DB row alt arms – light
DB thrusters -light
Lower / cleans
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
8min EMOM – Build weight through sets
Clean warm up
Clean high pull x1
High hang power clean x1
Clean x1
Push jerk / split jerk x1
12 mins E2MOM – 6sets
Clean x3 -build weight through sets
30min working with a partner YGIG format
20x Walking lunges with wall ball OH
5x Power clean – Heavy
20x wall balls – 9/7
*this will be done in a YGIG per exercise it should be as UB as possible at a good pace -Chip away
8min EMOM – Build weight through sets
Clean warm up
Clean high pull x1
High hang power clean x1
Clean x1
Push jerk x1
12 mins E2MOM – 6sets
Power clean x3 -build weight through sets
30min working with a partner YGIG format
20x Walking lunges with wall ball OH
5x Power clean – Medium
20x wall balls – 9/7
*this will be done in a YGIG per exercise it should be as UB as possible at a good pace -Chip away
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12min EMOM
AKB swings x12
KB cleans x6ea
KB squats x12
KB push press x6ea
Working with a partner
Bike max distance in 6min alt every 200 / 250mtrs
rest 2min
KB / DB manmakers alt reps for 3min
rest 2min
Row max distance in 6min alt every 200 / 250mtrs
rest 2min
Burpee box jumps alt reps for 3min
rest 2min
Max reps DU in 6min alt every 30reps
12min EMOM
AKB swings x12
KB cleans x6ea
KB squats x12
KB push press x6ea
Working with a partner
Bike max distance in 6min alt every 200 / 250mtrs
rest 2min
KB / DB manmakers alt reps for 3min
rest 2min
Row max distance in 6min alt every 200 / 250mtrs
rest 2min
Burpee box jumps alt reps for 3min
rest 2min
Max reps Singles in 6min 40reps