CF training program, phase 3, week 5 – 30/10/17 – 5/11/17
Posted 27th October 2017 by Geoff Stewart

Welcome to Week 5 of this monostructural training phase. Read more about it.
Week 5 is with us and we seem to be getting good at this pacing stuff. Just because you’re pacing and learning your anaerobic threshold, doesn’t mean your days should be easy. We ain’t very good at programming easy workouts – you got to put some hard work in. If you feel you’re cruising and you’ve got your tempo set, this is the week to push through and ask yourself a few more questions.
A new gauge on how hard we are working is the amount of condensation we seem to be generating on the new doors…. No penis drawings on the glass please.
Deep breath x
Lower / Snatch
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12min EMOM -build weight with form
A. Snatch warm up / Complex
Snatch grip paused DL @ knee x1
Snatch high pull x1
Snatch x1
OHS x1
8min – E2MOM -4sets
B. Cluster Snatches 2+1 @ 75%+
8min E2MOM -4 sets
C. Back squats 4×6,6,6, ME (21X1) @70%
21min teams 3 -follow the leader
P1. Bike 3min
P2. Thrusters x5 @ 40/30 rest 15sec after each 5 reps
P3. Rest
A. Snatch warm up / Complex
Snatch grip paused DL @ knee x1
Snatch high pull x1
Power snatch x1
OHS x1 -as form
8min – E2MOM -4sets
B. Power snatches x3 @ 70%+
8min E2MOM -4 sets
C. Back squats 4×6,6,6, ME (21X1) @70%
21min teams 3 -follow the leader
P1. Bike 3min – steady pace please
P2. Thrusters x5 @ 40/30 rest 15sec after each 5 reps
P3. Rest
Upper / Push
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12mins E2MOM -6sets
A. Odd. OH press / push press 3×3+3@30X0
B. Even. Pull ups 3xME
Part B: 10mins of
C1: HSPU x5-10 or x5 (5sec eccentrics)
C2: Horizontal ring rows with weight x10-15
30 Minute AMRAP
50x step ups (25el) @BW
25x STOH @40/25 or KB
50x DU
25x SDHP @40/25 or KB
50x rev Lunges (25el) @BW
25x BOR @40/25 or KB
Run 400mtrs
* Chip away at this one stick to a plan keep your rest period short and effective.
12mins E2MOM -6sets
A. Odd. OH press / push press 3×3+3@30X0
B. Even. Toes down pull ups 3×10-12
Part B: 10mins of
C1: Piked HSPU x5-10 or x5 (5sec eccentrics)
C2: Horizontal ring rows x10-15
30 Minute AMRAP
50x step ups (25el) @BW
25x STOH -light
100x singles
25x SDHP -light
50x rev Lunges (25el) @BW
25x BOR -light
Run 400mtrs
* Chip away at this one stick to a plan keep your rest period short
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
10min YGIG – exercises
5x Power cleans
5x squat cleans
5x Thrusters
Build weight through sets -NOT to heavy should be UB.
4 rounds Working with your partner
5x power cleans – Heavy UB
Bike 20/16 cals
rest 3mins
4 rounds Working with your partner
5x Squat cleans – Heavy UB
Burpees 15
rest 3mins
4 rounds Working with your partner
5x Thrusters- Heavy UB
Rowing 15 / 12
10min YGIG – exercises
5x Power cleans
5x squat cleans
5x Thrusters
Build weight through sets -NOT to heavy should be UB.
4 rounds Working with your partner
5x power cleans – Medium UB
Bike 20/16 cals
rest 3mins
4 rounds Working with your partner
5x Squat cleans – Medium UB
Burpees 15
rest 3mins
4 rounds Working with your partner
5x Thrusters- Medium UB
Rowing 15 / 12
Thursday – gymnastics
Upper / pull
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12 min -E2MO2M -6sets
Odd. Weighted chin ups 6,6,6,4,4,4
Even: Flat bench press 6 x 6,6,6,4,4,4 @1010
10Mins of:
B1: Rev grip ring rows 12-15
B2: Dips 12-15
10x2min windows alt 2min stations
Bike or Row for distance 80%effort
8xPull ups
12x wall balls
* on the bike and row make it a good steady pace on the exercise the aim is as UB as possible (note times each round please)
12 min -E2MO2M -6sets
Odd. Chin ups ME
Even: Flat 1 1/4 bench press 6 x 6 @1010
10Mins of:
B1: Rev ring rows 12-15
B2: Press ups 12-15
10x2min windows alt 2min stations
Bike or Row for distance 80%effort
4xPiked HSPU
8x Negative Pull ups
12x wall balls
* on the bike and row make it a good steady pace on the exercise the aim is as UB as possible (note times each round please)
Lower / cleans
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
8min EMOM – Build weight through sets
Clean warm up
Clean high pull x1
High hang power clean x1
Clean x1
Push jerk / split jerk x1
12 mins E2MOM – 6sets
Clean x3 -build weight through sets
800 Meter Run
8 Rounds “The Chief”
400 Meter Run
6 Rounds “The Chief”
200 Meter Run
4 Rounds “The Chief”
100 Meter Run
2 Rounds “The Chief”
“The Chief”
3 Power Cleans 60/45
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
8min EMOM – Build weight through sets
Clean warm up
Clean high pull x1
High hang power clean x1
Clean x1
Push jerk x1
12 mins E2MOM – 6sets
Power clean x3 -build weight through sets
800 Meter Run
8 Rounds “The Chief”
400 Meter Run
6 Rounds “The Chief”
200 Meter Run
4 Rounds “The Chief”
100 Meter Run
2 Rounds “The Chief”
“The Chief”
3 Power Cleans 60/45
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
8min E2MOM
12x RKB swings
6x Clean n press ea
12x KB squats
4 rounds
20x Box jumps
20x KB squats
20x Pull ups
20x KB Alt lunges 10el
100 DU
rest 2min
* Set yourself up at a good steady pace make sure you don’t red line so you can maintain a pace.
8min E2MOM
12x RKB swings
6x Clean n press ea
12x KB squats
4 rounds
20x Box jumps
20xT2B -Scales
20x KB squats
20x Ring rows
20x KB Alt lunges 10el
100 DU
rest 2min
* Set yourself up at a good steady pace make sure you don’t red line so you can maintain a pace.