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Heavy Metcon 8/11/2017

Posted 10th November 2017 by Jenna Fisher

Heavy Met-Con

This class has already been held but since the website was down it is being posted now as some people like to do it in open gym.

This is an advanced class. You can scale the weight but you must be able to read a programme and set up with minimal instruction.


Work in pairs. YGIG per exercise. You both do ALL of the reps each. 45 min time cap.


5 rounds

3 push jerk 65/85

6 dips

12 strict chest to bar pull ups

24 burpees (1st round) / 24 deadlift 65/85 (2nd round) / burpees (3rd) / DL (4th) / burpees (5th)

12 cal assault bike

6 DB (squat) snatch

3 touch and go (squat) clean 65/85


Warm up to the max weight. i.e. 55 in the 1st round, 60 in the 2nd round, and 65 in the 3rd, 4th and 5th rounds. As a guideline this was more than bodyweight and 68% of 1RM.


Enjoy x