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Heavy Metcon 29/11/2017

Posted 27th November 2017 by Jenna Fisher

Heavy Met-Con

This is an advanced class. You can scale the weight but you must be able to understand the programme, set up with minimal instruction, and have fun.


Work in teams of 3. Follow the leader.

Set up everything at the start so that you can move straight from one part to the next.


Part A

14, 11, 9

Deadlift – Female: 75, 85, 95. Male: 90, 100, 110


Bulgarian split squat (each leg) – 30kg, either two 15kg DBs x2 or one 32kg KB


14, 11, 9

Deadlift – repeat same weight as above


Squat jump


(Complete the deadlift for both waves. Superset with Bulgarian split squats for the first wave and squat jumps for the second wave)


Part B

14, 11, 9 cals assault bike

superset with

9, 6, 4 burpees


Part C

9, 6, 4, 9, 6, 4

Bench press – Female: 55, 60, 65, Male: 70, 80, 90


Strict chest to bar pull ups


(Complete the same two movements for both waves)


Part D

14, 11, 9 cals assault bike

superset with

9, 6, 4 burpees