CF training program, phase 4, week 4 – 4/12/17 – 10/12/17
Posted 1st December 2017 by Geoff Stewart

Welcome to Week 4 of this new deadlift and bench press training phase ANDY.
All looking good folks. Not much to say this week – we are following the same format as last week – so you have a good idea of what’s coming your way and where the gains are to be made.
Squeeze harder. x
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12min – E2MO2M
A: Eccentric Deadlift 6 x 1 @ 10,0,X,0
Don’t go to heavy; control the weight and soft touch down.
12min to complete
B1: Deficit 2″ Deadlift 4 x 4-6 31×1: 30
B2: incline Knee Raises 4 x 8-12 @ 30×1: 90
12min – E2MO2M
A: Eccentric Deadlift 6 x 1 @ 10,0,X,0
Don’t go to heavy; control the weight and soft touch down.
12min to complete
B1: Deficit 2″ Deadlift 4 x 4-6 31×1: 30
B2: incline Knee Raises 4 x 8-12 @ 30×1: 90
12 minutes of:
Alt rev lunges 12el
Burpee x 6
RKB x 24
Burpee x 6
KB Walking Lunge x 24 steps
Burpee x 6
12 minutes of:
Alt rev lunges 12el
Burpee x 6
RKB x 24
Burpee x 6
KB Walking Lunge x 24 steps
Burpee x 6
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12min to complete
A1: 15* Incline Bench Press 4x 5-7 @ 30×0 :30
A2: B/O Lateral Raises 4 x 10@ 20×3 :90
12min to complete
B1: BB Floor Press 4 x 6-8 @ 30×1 :30
B2: Knee Up Ext Rotation 4 x 8-10 @ 30×0 :90
20min – working time
50 reps / 100 cals each alt 5reps and 10cals with partner:
Ring dips
Box jumps
Pull ups
12min to complete
A1: 15* Incline Bench Press 4x 5-7 @ 30×0 :30
A2: B/O Lateral Raises 4 x 10@ 20×3 :90
12min to complete
B1: BB Floor Press 4 x 6-8 @ 30×1 :30
B2: Knee Up Ext Rotation 4 x 8-10 @ 30×0 :90
20min – working time
50 reps / 100 cals each alt 5reps or 10cals with partner:
Box jump step down
Toes down pull ups
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Rolling EMOM 18min
Min1; Power Clean x 7 @ heavy / medium
Min 2; squats clean x5
Min3; Thruster x3
8 Min EMOM
Even: DB squat cleans x5 -heavy
Odd: bike x 10 /12 cal
8 Min EMOM
Even: BB STOH @ Heavy x 6
Odd: DU 40
8 Min EMOM
Even: Weighted ring rows x6-8
Odd: Burpee x 12-16
Rolling EMOM 18min
Min1; Power Clean x 7 @ medium
Min 2; squats clean x5
Min3; Thruster x3
8 Min EMOM
Even: DB squat cleans x5 – medium
Odd: bike x 10 /12 cal
8 Min EMOM
Even: BB STOH @ medium x 6
Odd: DU 40
8 Min EMOM
Even: Ring rows x10
Odd: Burpee x 12-16
Thursday – gymnastics
Lower Pulling
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
12min E2MO2M
Hang Clean High Pull 6 x 3 – Heavy but UB
15min to complete
B1: Rack Pull (below knee) 5 x 3-5 @ 21×0 :30
B2: RKB Swing 5×8 @ xxxx :90
Teams of 3 YGIG:
5 rounds
10 BB thrusters @ 45/30
Rowing x 10/12 cals AFAP
* these should be hard and fast rounds change after complete rounds.
12min E2MO2M
Hang Clean High Pull 6 x 3 – Medium but UB
15min to complete
B1: Rack Pull (below knee) 5 x 5-7 @ 21×0 :30
B2: RKB Swing 5×8 @ xxxx :90
Teams of 3 YGIG:
5 rounds
10 BB thrusters @ 45/30
Rowing x 10/12 cals AFAP
* these should be hard and fast rounds change after complete rounds.
Lower / cleans
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
15min to complete
A1: Strict Press + Push Press 4 x 3+5 @ 30×0 :30 – Medium / Heay
A2: Pull Up 4 x 3-5 @ 20×0 :90
12min to complete
B1: Kneeling KB Press 4 x 8ea :60
B2: Paused Ring Chin / Row 4 x 30-40 :90
5 Rounds or 15mins
12 x DB Thrusters – Medium
12x renegade rows – 6ea
24x alt DB step ups -22/20
*each round should be as fluid as possible
15min to complete
A1: Strict Press + Push Press 4 x 3+5 @ 30×0 :30 -Light
A2: Toes down pull Up 4 x 3-5 @ 20×0 :90
12min to complete
B1: Kneeling KB Press 4 x 8ea :60
B2: Paused Ring Chin / Row 4 x 30-40 :90
5 Rounds or 15mins
12 x DB Thrusters – Medium
12x renegade rows – 6ea
24x alt DB step ups -22/20
*each round should be as fluid as possible
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Working with a partner – YGIG 8 min
Power clean and press x 7 @ Medium
DU x 21
Rest 2 min
Working with a partner – YGIG 8 min
Deadlifts x7 – Medium
Bike x 10 cal
Rest 2 min
Working with a partner – YGIG 8 min
Ring Press Up x 7
Run 200m
Rest 2 min
Working on your own – 20 mins continuous movements:
200m Run
4 rounds “Cindy”
200m Row
4 rounds “Cindy”
20 cal bike
4 rounds “Cindy”
*if a piece of equipment isn’t free just keep moving don’t get stuck with the order.
5x pull ups
10x press ups
15x air squats
Working with a partner – YGIG 8 min
Power clean and press x 7 @ Medium
Singles x 40 or 45sec
Rest 2 min
Working with a partner – YGIG 8 min
Deadlifts x7 – Medium
Bike x 10 cal
Rest 2 min
Working with a partner – YGIG 8 min
Press Up x 7 – scale
Run 200m
Rest 2 min
Working on your own – 20 mins continuous movements:
200m Run
4 rounds “Cindy”
200m Row
4 rounds “Cindy”
20 cal bike
4 rounds “Cindy”
*if a piece of equipment isn’t free just keep moving don’t get stuck with the order.
5x ring rows
10x press ups
15x air squats