Crossfit training plan 29/1/18 – 4/2/18
Posted 26th January 2018 by Geoff Stewart

Welcome to Phase 1, week 4 of our new 2018 training plan.
Week 4 is here and the new year is moving on a little bit too fast for some of us. We are sticking to our themes of consistency, frequency and intensity this phase. Build the consistency (plan your week), frequency (there are lots of classes on our timetable, book in) and intensity (we are repeating exercises and workouts – you’ll know the movement and where you can put on some extra kgs and push the gas pedal a little harder).
Dig in this week x
PSn + BN Sn Push Press + Pull Up
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
15 Mins to build to a solid set:
A: Mid Hang Power Snatch + OHS x 3+2
15 Mins complete:
Every 90 Seconds
B1: OHS 4 x 4-6 @ 30×1
B2: Chin Up 4 x 4-6 @ 40×0
15 Mins to build to a solid set:
A: Mid Hang Power Snatch + OHS x 3+2 –OHS as form allows
15 Mins complete:
Every 90 Seconds
B1: OHS or Goblet squats 4 x 4-6 @ 30×1
B2: Toes down Chin Up 4 x 4-6 @ 40×0
16 mins
Every Min Change Station
(Work for 40 sec, Rest for 20)
Min 1: Push Press x 10 -medium
*Pause at the top position once complete
Min 2: Ring Row x 10
*Pause at the top position once complete
Min 3: Burpee x 5-10
*Pause in FLR position once complete
Min 4:
Note: Second week we would be looking to add a little weight to the PP. This will teach you the weight to use for a given time and also how to pace yourself!
16 mins
Every Min Change Station
(Work for 40 sec, Rest for 20)
Min 1: Push Press x 10 -light
*Pause at the top position once complete
Min 2: Ring Row x 10
*Pause at the top position once complete
Min 3: Burpee x 5
*Pause in FLR position once complete
Min 4:
Note: Second week we would be looking to add a little weight to the PP. This will teach you the weight to use for a given time and also how to pace yourself!
Pclean + Dip
15 Mins to build to a solid set:
A: Mid Hang Power Clean + Mid Hang Clean x 2+2
15 Mins complete:
Every 2min 30
B1: Front Squat 5 x 8 @ 3011 :10
B2: Strict Hang to Inversion on Rings 5 x 3-8 rest remaining time
16 mins
Partner Workout
3 Rounds
P1: 300m row
P2: Kneeling 1 Arm Kb Press x 12ea
Once Completed
3 Rounds of:
P1: Seal Walk / Mtn Climber (50) 1 x Lap/length
P2: Slam Ball x 10
15 Mins to build to a solid set:
A: Mid Hang Power Clean + Mid Hang Clean x 2+2
15 Mins complete:
Every 2min 30
B1: Front Squat 5 x 8 @ 3011 :10
B2: Strict Hang to Inversion on Rings 5 x 3-8 rest remaining time
16 mins
Partner Workout
3 Rounds
P1: 300m row
P2: Kneeling 1 Arm Kb Press x 12ea
Once Completed
3 Rounds of:
P1: Seal Walk / Mtn Climber (50) 1 x Lap/length
P2: Slam Ball x 10
Energy Loaded BS/ FS / Thruster
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Min 10 – 27
Every 3 mins – 5 rounds
Front Squats x 5 (build ea round –power clean bar from floor)
Burpee Over the Bar x 10
Rest 2 min
Min 27 – 44
Every 3 mins – 5 rounds
Push Press x 5 (build each round)
Front Rack Back Step x 12-16 steps
Min 44 – 54
Every 2 min – 5 Rounds
Box Jump x 10 -20/24
AKB Swing x 10-15
Min 10 – 27
Every 3 mins – 5 rounds
Front Squats x 5 (build ea round)
Burpee Over the Bar x 10
Rest 2 min
Min 27 – 44
Every 3 mins – 5 rounds
Push Press x 5 (build each round)
Front Rack Back Step x 12-16 steps
Min 44 – 54
Every 2 min – 5 Rounds
Box Jump x 10
AKB Swing x 10-15
Thursday – gymnastics
OHS + Strict press + Hoz Row
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
10mins to Complete
A: Snatch Balance 4 x 5
OHS w/ 3 sec pause 4 x 5 @ 3311
15 mins to complete:
B1: Push Press + Push Jerk 4 x 2+3 :60
B2: 1 Arm Ring Row 4 x 8-12 @ 3011 :90
16 min
4 Rounds
3 Mins AMRAP 1 min rest
3 Power Clean (60/40)
6 Press Up
9 Air Squat
10mins to Complete
A: Snatch Balance 4 x 5
OHS w/ 3 sec pause 4 x 5 @ 3311
15 mins to complete:
B1: Push Press + Push Jerk 4 x 2+3 :60
B2: 1 Arm Ring Row 4 x 8-12 @ 3011 :90
16 min
4 Rounds
3 Mins AMRAP 1 min rest
3 Power Clean (60/40)
6 Press Up
9 Air Squat
Good Morning + Step Up Var
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Every 3-4 mins Complete (16min Mx)
A1: BB Back Step 4 x 8-10 @ 3010
A2: Lying Leg raise 4 x 10-15sec
12 min to complete sets of:
B1: High Box Step Up 3 x 5-8 ea
B2: Straight Leg Sit Up 3 x 8-12 @ 3010
Unbroken Thruster 40/25
Row Cal
Rest 5min
Goblet Squat 24/16
Press Up
Every 3-4 mins Complete (16min Mx)
A1: BB Back Step 4 x 8-10 @ 3010
A2: Lying Leg raise 4 x 10-15sec
12 min to complete sets of:
B1: High Box Step Up 3 x 5-8 ea
B2: Straight Leg Sit Up 3 x 8-12 @ 3010
Unbroken Thruster 40/25
Row Cal
Rest 5min
Goblet Squat 24/16
Press Up
Energy Upload
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
4 Rounds
DB Push press x 10 –heavy but UB
DU x 30
Rest 2 mins
4 Rounds
KB/DB RDL x 10
Dip x 10
Burpee x 10
Rest 2 mins
4 Rounds
Pull Ups x 5-10
Bike 15/20cal (smooth)
Rest 2 mins
Rest 2 mins
4 Rounds
DB Floor Press x10
Row x 20cal (smooth)
4 Rounds
DB Push press x 10 –heavy but UB
DU x 30
Rest 2 mins
4 Rounds
KB/DB RDL x 10
Dip x 10
Burpee x 10
Rest 2 mins
4 Rounds
Toes down Pull Ups x 5
Bike 15/20cal (smooth)
Rest 2 mins
Rest 2 mins
4 Rounds
DB Floor Press x10
Row x 20cal (smooth)