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Heavy Metcon 31st January

Posted 30th January 2018 by Jenna Fisher


This is an advanced class.

Please read the guidelines via the link at the end.


Part A – heavy and steady

15 min EMOM

Female: 55kg Male: 70kg – keep the same weight throughout


Min 0-6 (7 rounds): 3 thruster + 3 over the bar burpees (lateral jump)

Min 7: Rest

Min 8-10 (3 rounds): 6 front rack forward lunges + 3 tuck jump

Min 11: Active rest – 6 OTB burpees

Min 12-14 (3 rounds): Repeat the 6 front lunges + 3 tuck jump


3 mins rest between Part A and Part B


Part B – medium weight, adding some gas

15 min 30 second Accumulator

Power cleans and deadlifts = 3 single reps in every 30 sec block (1 every 10 secs)

Wall balls are continuous for the 30 secs


Power clean: Female 65kg Male 80kg – keep the same weight throughout

Deadlift: Female 105kg Male 120kg – keep the same weight throughout


Round 1

30 secs power cleans + 30 secs rest

30 secs power cleans + 30s wall balls + 30s rest

30 secs power cleans + 30s wall balls + 30s power cleans + 30s rest

30 secs power cleans + 30s wall balls + 30s power cleans + 30s wall balls

Rest 2 mins between Round 1 and Round 2

Round 2

Repeat with deadlifts instead of power cleans


2 mins rest between Part B and Part C


Part C – move fast

15 mins of 30 secs work 30 secs rest

Choose 2 from: assault bike, burpees, rower, sled push, double unders

Create your own combination


8 mins of 30 secs bike 30 secs rest + 7 mins of 30 secs burpees 30 secs rest

Work hard x