Crossfit training plan 12/2/18 – 18/2/18
Posted 10th February 2018 by Geoff Stewart

Welcome to Phase 1, week 6 of our new 2018 training plan.
Another week is coming your way people. As you’ll all be aware this is our repeat week so you can attack your workouts knowing what’s coming your way.
Folk, when we give you an option please choose an option you can maintain for the complete set and don’t change half way through – “leave your ego at the door” and make the sensible call.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself x
PSn + BN Sn Push Press + Pull Up
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
15 Mins to build to a solid set:
A1: Mid Hang Power Snatch + OHS x 2+5 -managable
A1: Mid Hang Snatch (3 second Pause) + OHS x 2+2
*Choose which complex you will get most from.
12 Mins complete:
Every 3 minutes to complete both:
B1: Snatch Segmented Deadlift x 4-6
Floor, knee, power position
B2: Kb Swing (heavy) x 6-10
15 Mins to build to a solid set:
A1: Mid Hang Power Snatch + front squats x 2+5
A1: Mid Hang Snatch (3 second Pause) + front squats x 2+2
*Choose which complex you will get most from.
12 Mins complete:
Every 3 minutes to complete both:
B1: Snatch Segmented Deadlift x 4-6
Floor, knee, power position
B2: Kb Swing (Medium) x 6-10
15 min EMOM
Kb / Db Squat/Power Cleans x 8-10
Box Jump x 8-10
Row / Bike x 8-10 cal
Aim here is to get each of these to roughly 30-40 sec work and 20-30 rest. Play with the numbers and see how you get on.
15 min EMOM
Kb / Db Squat/Power Cleans x 8-10
Box Jump x 8-10
Row / Bike x 8-10 cal
Aim here is to get each of these to roughly 30-40 sec work and 20-30 rest. Play with the numbers and see how you get on.
Pclean + Dip
15 Mins to build to a solid set:
A1: Mid Hang Power Clean + Mid Shin Power Clean x 2+2
A1: Mid Hang Power Clean +Front Squat x 2+5
*Choose which complex you will get most from.
15 Mins complete:
Every 3 minutes
B1: Back Squat 5 x 3-5 @ 3311 :30
B2: Skin the cat 5 x 3-8 rest remaining time
15 Mins to build to a solid set:
A1: Mid Hang Power Clean + Mid Shin Power Clean x 2+2
A1: Mid Hang Power Clean +Front Squat x 2+5
*Choose which complex you will get most from.
15 Mins complete:
Every 3 minutes
B1: Back Squat 5 x 3-5 @ 3311 :30
B2: Pike Up w/ Frisbee 5 x 5 – 15
For Time:
Walking Lunges x 80
Every 20 steps = 10 Burpees
Rest 60 sec
DB on Shoulder Squats x 80
Every 20 = 20 V-Up / Double Crunch
For Time:
Walking Lunges x 80
Every 20 steps = 10 Burpees
Rest 60 sec
DB on Shoulder Squats x 80
Every 20 = 20 V-Up / Double Crunch
Energy Loaded BS/ FS / Thruster
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Min 10 – 28
15 mins of:
YGIG Teams of 3
P1 completes both before moving on.
A1. 5 x Power Cleans @ Manageable UB
A2. 10 x Squat Jumps
rest 3 mins
Min 28-46
15 mins of the same format:
B1. Push Press x 5 @ Manageable UB
B2. Heavy Wall Ball x 10
B3. Double Under x 50 0r 60sec mx
Min 46-54
P1 runs as P2 & P3 work the stations. Rotate though in follow the leader format.
C1. 200m Run
C2. Straight Leg Sit Ups (weighted)
C3. FLR on P-Bar or Rings
Min 10 – 28
15 mins of:
YGIG Teams of 3
P1 completes both before moving on.
A1. 5 x Power Cleans @ Manageable UB
A2. 10 x Squat Jumps
rest 3 mins
Min 28-46
15 mins of the same format:
B1. Push Press x 5 @ Manageable UB
B2. Heavy Wall Ball x 10
B3. Double Under x 50 0r 60sec mx
Min 46-54
P1 runs as P2 & P3 work the stations. Rotate though in follow the leader format.
C1. 200m Run
C2. Straight Leg Sit Ups (weighted)
C3. FLR on P-Bar or Rings
Thursday – gymnastics
OHS + Strict press + Hoz Row
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
10mins to Complete
A: Snatch Balance 4 x 5 -Manageable
A: OHS w/ 3 sec pause 4 x 5 @ 3311
*Choose which will benefit you more -FORM
12 mins to complete:
B1: Push Jerk + Jerk (Behind Neck) 4 x 1+3 :60 -Manageable
12 mins
C1. Ring Arch Chin Up x 2-3ea
C1. Ring Chin x 6-8 @ 2111
C1. Paused Ring row x 6-8 @ 30×3
*Choose exercise which you will get most benefit from.
C2. Press Behind the neck in split x 8-10 @ 30×0 –Manageable UB
rest 60-90
3 Rounds
D1. DB Snatch x 10
D2. Ring Row (single ring) x 10
D2. Pull Up x 10
Rest 60 sec
3 Rounds
Sheena Press up x 5-10
Burpee x 10
10mins to Complete
A: Snatch Balance 4 x 5 -Manageable
A: OHS w/ 3 sec pause 4 x 5 @ 3311
*Choose which will benefit you more -FORM
12 mins to complete:
B1: Push Jerk + Jerk (Behind Neck) 4 x 1+3 :60 -Manageable
12 mins
C1. Ring Arch Chin Up x 2-3ea
C1. Ring Chin x 6-8 @ 2111
C1. Paused Ring row x 6-8 @ 30×3
*Choose exercise which you will get most benefit from.
C2. Press Behind the neck in split x 8-10 @ 30×0 –Manageable UB
rest 60-90
3 Rounds
D1. DB Snatch x 10
D2. Ring Row (single ring) x 10
D2. Pull Up x 10
Rest 60 sec
3 Rounds
Sheena Press up x 5-10
Burpee x 10
Good Morning + Step Up Var
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Every 3-4 mins Complete (16min Mx)
A1: BB Bulgarian Split Squat 4 x 8-10 @ 3010
A2: DB/KB Farmers Carry 4 x 40-60sec
Thruster Tekkers
20 Min Amrap
In pairs
Thruster x 30 50/35
Box Jump x 20
Thruster x 40 40/25
Box Jump x 20
Thruster x 50 30/15
Row / Bike / Run until 20mins
Every 3-4 mins Complete (16min Mx)
A1: BB Bulgarian Split Squat 4 x 8-10 @ 3010
A2: DB/KB Farmers Carry 4 x 40-60sec
Thruster Tekkers
20 Min Amrap
In pairs
Thruster x 30 50/35
Box Jump x 20
Thruster x 40 40/25
Box Jump x 20
Thruster x 50 30/15
Row / Bike / Run until 20mins
Energy Upload
Warm up 5mins Mobility
Warm up 5mins Mobility
10mins of:
A1: Mixed Rack Kettlebell Overhead Carry 4 x 40 sec
A2: Scapular Press Up 4 x 40-60sec
20 mins moving through:
3 Rounds:
Half Kneeling KB / DB 1 Arm Press x 10ea
Row 500m @ medium
Rest 60 sec
3 rounds
Dual KB Deadlift x 15
Assault Bike x 25 Cal
Rest 60 sec
20 Mins Moving through
3 Rounds:
Ring Row x 10-20
Eternal Circles Battle Rope x 30-50
Rest 60 sec after each round
3 rounds
Wall Ball x 20
Run 400m
Rest 60 sec after each round
10mins of:
A1: Mixed Rack Kettlebell Overhead Carry 4 x 40 sec
A2: Scapular Press Up 4 x 40-60sec
20 mins moving through:
3 Rounds:
Half Kneeling KB / DB 1 Arm Press x 10ea
Row 500m @ medium
Rest 60 sec
3 rounds
Dual KB Deadlift x 15
Assault Bike x 25 Cal
Rest 60 sec
20 Mins Moving through
3 Rounds:
Ring Row x 10-20
Eternal Circles Battle Rope x 30-50
Rest 60 sec after each round
3 rounds
Wall Ball x 20
Run 400m
Rest 60 sec after each round