CrossFit Gymnastics – Easter Special
Since March is a five week month you can choose to either complete this month’s programme for a fifth time or to do the workouts below for some Easter fun with a chum.
All movements are scaleable. All levels of experience welcome.
A. Complete alone
1000m row (or 3 mins assault bike)
100 double unders
10 muscle up
B. YGIG with a friend
1 length handstand walk – accumulate the distance between you
3x 10 pistols or box jumps each
3x 10 pull ups each
3x 10 HSPU each
3x 10 TTB each
1 length handstand walk – accumulate the distance between you
C. Repeat A
D. 60 sec plank on rings + 30 sec side plank left and right + 30 sec hollow hold + 30 sec mountain climbers