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Heavy Metcon – 9th May

Posted 7th May 2018 by Jenna Fisher

This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome, come and enjoy x

Warm up and set up – 13 mins max


Part A

20 mins (you should get 5 rounds done) – YGIG in pairs


5 BB back squat (60-70%)

3 DB manmakers (1 rep = 2 push ups + 1 row each arm + 1 power clean +1 overhead press)

10 DB walking lunges plus 5 thrusters (lunges are with a 2 sec pause at the bottom, knee touching floor)


How this works:

You do 5 back squats then your partner does 5 back squats. You do 3 manmakers then your partner does 3 manmakers. You do 10 walking lunges AND 5 thrusters then your partner does 10 walking lunges AND 5 thrusters. Back to the beginning.

Do the work YGIG in pairs. However, 4 people (two pairs) can share each rack station. The second pair can start on the rack after the first pair have finished their first set of squats.


7 mins rest between part A and B


Part B

20 min cap (should be easily completed in less than this) – one bike between three people

ME = max effort (85% and above)


15 secs ME assault bike + 400m run (fast)

2 mins rest

15 secs ME assault bike + 200m run (fast)

2 mins rest

15 secs ME assault bike + 100m run (fast)

2 mins rest

15 secs ME assault bike + 20 burpees (fast)

2 mins rest

15 secs ME assault bike + 15 burpees (fast)

2 mins rest

15 secs ME assault bike + 10 burpees (fast)


If 2 mins rest feels too long you need to go harder on the bike and/or faster on the run and burpees. i.e. the 15 secs bike + 20 burpees should be completed within 60 secs.