CrossFit Gymnastics – September 2018
Last month’s conditioning workout had some fantastic results. The re-test in the final week revealed the success of your hard work with scores being reduced by 3-8 minutes.
This month we return to strength with some extra drills to help your muscle to contract faster to achieve more explosive reps.
The month will also give you the chance to identify your strengths and how best to work in a team ready for our inter-class competition in October’s programme. (Details to follow… in colour-coded spreadsheet!)
A. 5 minutes of hanging
Mix it up – rings, bar, neutral grip, pronated, supinated, mix grip, single arm, moving side ways, moving forwards, monkey swings etc.
B. Isometric hold + explosive reps
4 sets each of:
B1. 15 secs BB overhead hold (actively pushing the barbell up into rack pins for resistance) +3-5 explosive reps of HSPU, dip, or push up
Do as many reps as with which you can maintain speed. Once a rep slows down, end the set.
B2. 15 secs back squat hold (actively pushing the barbell up into the rack pins for resistance) + 3-5 explosive high box jumps
C1. Partner assisted handstand hold 4×30 secs
C2. Muscle up progression (choose from list below) 4x an achievable rep range for your level of experience
C2. TTR 3-4 x 10-20 + 1 lap seal walk
Advanced: introduce a pause at the top of the pull before you transition
Intermediate: assisted, to allow for a slower tempo and stricter position on the concentric
Beginner (have achieved a few reps or are almost there): false grip straight arm hang 20-30 secs + chin ups using bands for resistance (attach one end to you on a weight belt and one end to a DB* on the floor – *heavy enough that it does not lift from the floor), aiming to get as high a pull as you can (lower chest and below)
Beginner (got pull ups and just starting progressions): false grip ring rows with 2 sec pause the the top + ring dips with 2 sec pause at the bottom and at the top in support hold
Beginner (not yet got pull ups): 4×20 sec eccentric chin up or 4×8-12 Scott curl @4010 + 30 degree incline DB chest press @32×0
D1. Knee up external rotation 3-4×8 @ 4010