Heavy Metcon 31/10/2018
Comfortable with the uncomfortable…?
This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome.
Warm up with the bear complex (squat clean >thruster .back squat, btk jerk) 12mins please.
20 reps with an empty bar UB
10 reps with a light bar UB
5 reps with a heavier bar UB
5×1 bear complex with an even heavier weight UB
The main event. Working on your own but next to some one who is going to keep you moving a good pace all the way through the work out.
2min work 1min change over.
Hang squats cleans @70/50
Bike, row or Ski erg
Power clean and press @70/50
Bike, row or Ski erg
Db single arm thrusters alt arms every 5 reps @22.5/15
Bike, row or Ski erg
Db burpee and squat clean @22.5/15
Bike, row or Ski erg
Burpee pull ups
Bike, row or Ski erg
Good luck