Heavy Metcon 28/11/2018
This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!
This one left me a little out of breath. You’ll need to work constantly and solidly: there isn’t to much time to sit around and chat during this workout. You’ll need whatever rest you can get.
BB warm up.
snatch grip deadlift
Snatch grip high pull
Power snatch
High pull
Power Clean
E2MO2M – 16min – RX 50 / 40 or go LIGHTER…
3x Power snatch
5x hang power clean and press
7x Thrusters
Rest 4 mins and set for below.
E2MO2M – 16min
12 /15 cals Row, Bike or Ski erg – ideally a mixture of all 3 movements
Wall balls ME in remaining time.
Mobility and stretching….10min
Choose 2x stretches which are most relevant to your needs and hold them for 2min each side. Remember the stretch you like doing isn’t the stretch that maybe you should be doing.
Wall couch stretch
Banded squat hold
Thoracic spine extension
Rig hamstring stretch
Hanging from rig
Frog stretch
Figure 4
Etc Etc