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Heavy Metcon 5/12/2018

Posted 4th December 2018 by Geoff Stewart


This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!

This is one of my favourite workout. this doesn’t mean that it’ll be yours but thats just how the cookies crumbles some time -sorry.

You need to be sensible but brave on this one don’t over pace it, ask your-self some question and test that fitness and robustness.


Warm up with a BB for the workout 10mins please.


This is a 40min workout to see how many rounds you can do.

Gas-e DT

Row or bike or ski-erg or sled 60seconds @ 16/ 20cals (try a combination of all please)

1 round of DT

12x Deadlifts @70/45kg

9x hang power cleans

6x push press