Crossfit training program 24/12/2018 -30/12/2018

Welcome to week 5 of our Xmas and New Year training program.
Week 5. It was always going to be a funny week this one.
You’ll note we have put some park workouts in for you peeps who want to work off – or pre-empt – the Xmas blow-out.
People, have a great time. Enjoy yourselves, rest well, eat well, work hard, be nice to people and go easy on the pudding.
Take the day off
but if you fancy doing something
Walk 5min to get some blood flowing
30mins work.
Run 2mins – medium
20x air squats
10x press ups
20x walking lunges
10x burpees
Run 2min – medium
20x air squats
10x press ups
20x walking lunges
10x burpees
Take the day off.
if you fancy doing something
Walk 5min to get some blood flowing
30mins work.
Run 5mins – slow /medium
12xair squats
6x burpees
3x jump squats
Run 4mins – slow /medium
12xair squats
6x burpees
3x jump squats
Run 3mins – slow /medium
12xair squats
6x burpees
3x jump squats
Run 2mins – slow /medium
12xair squats
6x burpees
3x jump squats
Run 1mins – slow /medium
12xair squats
6x burpees
3x jump squats
Take the day off.
if you fancy doing something
Walk 5min to get some blood flowing
40x Walking lunges
20x press ups
40x Air squats
20x shoulder taps each side
40x rev lunges
20x mountain climbers each side
40x squat hops
20x burpees
Running and Walking
Run 1min
walk 1min
run 50 seconds
walk 1min
Run 40seconds
Walk 1min
Run 30seconds
Walk 1min
etc until 10seconds run
A 10 mins to complete
A1 1lg RDL 3 x 8el @ 2210
A2: Cuban press 3 x 10 light
12 Minutes to complete
B Deadlifts 6×3,3,3,3,3,3
C. 12min YGIG
3x strict HSPU (scales)
6xel pistol squats / shrimp squats
D CrossFit Open Workout 11.2
15 min amrap
9 Deadlifts 70kg / 45kg
12 Hand Release Push Up
15 Box Jump – step down
A 16 Mins
Clean Pull x1
Hang Clean (knee) x1
Clean x1
Jerk x1
*slowly build weight though sets
B 16 Mins complete:
B: Squats clean + jerks
6 x 1+1
C. Working in teams 3 people Follow the leader
Power Clean and press ladder
1 >10 or as time allows
Rx 50/35kg
A 10 mins of:
A1 Heels Elevated SOTS Press
3 x 6-10
A2 YTW’s
3 x 10,10,10 (in each position)
B 20 mins
“The Chief”
3 mins AMRAP / 1 min rest
Power Cleans x 3
Press Ups x 6
Air Squats x 9
*start each new round where you finished the last.
C 16min Partner
Rowing and running
P1 Rows or ski-ergs
P2 Runs around the block and tag teams P1