Crossfit Program 31/12/2018 -6/1/2019

Welcome to week 6 of our Xmas and New Year training program.
Week 6. It’s the final week of this short but funky phase. It’s pretty simple: we are following our normal plan with a good mixture of basic lifting, breathing work and laughs and giggles.
People, have a great New Year. Enjoy yourselves, drink well, eat better and work harder.
Be nice to people and go easy on the pudding.
A 10 mins to complete
A1 RFE Split Squat 3 x 8 @ 2210
A2: Butchers block hold 3×30-45sec
B 12 Minutes to complete
front squat + back squats 6x 2+4
*with a single weigth on the bar do 2x front squats re rack bar then staringth into 4x back squats – increase weight through sets
C 12mins to complete
Pull ups or chin ups
6x 3-5xstrict weighted pull ups final pull up must be have a 20second eccentric phase
8mins YGIG for max distance
Row or ski-erg
12-15 cals each
Take the day off.
if you fancy doing something
Walk 5min to get some blood flowing
30mins work.
Run 5mins – slow /medium
12xair squats
6x burpeess
3x jump squats
Run 4mins – slow /medium
12x air squats
6x burpeess
3x jump squats
Run 3mins – slow /medium
12x air squats
6x burpees
3x jump squats
Run 2mins – slow /medium
12x air squats
6x burpeess
3x jump squats
Run 1mins – slow /medium
12x air squats
6x burpees
3x jump squats
A 12 mins of:
A1 Poliquin Step Up 3 x 15el
A2 Banded Pull Through 3 x 20
A3 Hollow Dish x 45-60sec
B 24 min EMOM
6 Burpees + 6 Deadlifts @100/70kg
6 Burpees + 20 DU
6 Burpees + 10 Dbs GTOH
Rest 1 min
C 12min Midline
C1 3-6 Strict hanging knee raises @4040 (holding rig)
C2 12xes side bands -heavy
A 10 mins to complete
A1 1lg RDL 3 x 8el @ 2210
A2: Banded face pulls 3 x 10
12 Minutes to complete
B Deadlifts 6×3,3,3,3,3,3
C. 12min YGIG
3x strict HSPU (scales)
6xel pistol squats / shrimp squats
“Criss Cross”
30 Double Unders
15 Power Cleans (115/80)
30 Double Unders
15 Toes to Bar
A 16 Mins
Clean Pull x1
Hang Clean (knee) x1
Clean x1
Jerk x1
*slowly build weight though sets
B 16 Mins complete:
B: Hang squats clean + jerks
6 x 1+1+1
C 6 rounds each YGIG
1x power snatch rx50/35
3x power clean and press
5x thrusters
*1 bar ,1 weight alt full rounds with partner.
A.12min working in a YGIG format
Kb swings 12
Kb cleans 6ea
Kb squats 12
Kb press 6each side
B “Clean House”
5 Rounds (In a 4 Minute Window):
400 Meter Run
1 Round of “Cindy”
C 10mins
C1 EZ curls x12
C2 Db zootman curls
C3 lying rev crunches x12 @4020