Heavy Metcon 9/1/2109

This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!
It’s going to be a solid workout this week… You’re going to have to stay positive and keep yourself moving as best you can (which means with quality and intent, please). I’m looking to build some solid robustness and good old fashioned conditioning in this one.
Good Luck.
Warm up 10mins
1min – bike/row or ski erg
5xHanging shrugs
10xScapula press ups
15x air squats
Be sensible but not overly cautious when choosing your weights, this is HMC. You can scale you pull ups but NO ring rows please.
3min – bike/row or ski erg
9x Db man-makers
9x pull ups
7x Db man-makers
7x pull ups
5x Db man-makers
5x pull ups
3x Db man-makers
3x pull ups
3min – bike/row or ski erg
9x Db zombie press
9x pull ups
7x Db zombie press
7x pull ups
5x Db zombie press
5x pull ups
3x Db zombie press
3x pull up
3min – bike/row or ski erg
9x Db thrusters
9x pull ups
7x Db thrusters
7x pull ups
5x Db thrusters
5x pull ups
3x Db thrusters
3x pull up
Time remaining – if you still have the will
50 T2R
100 side bends
Broken up in any way you fancy