Heavy Metcon 16/1/2019

This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!
Part one. Think about what weight you’re going to use. Don’t start too light. You need to increase your weight each round but still make the 4 rounds within the 2 minutes. We would like you to use a rack (no heavy bars crashing down on necks please).
E2MO2M for 4 rounds (8min)
Back squats x6
Push press / jerk x3
Power clean x3
Rest 2min and reset
4xE2MO2M for 4 rounds (8min)
Power clean x2
Back squats x4
Push press / jerk x2
Rest 2min
4xE2MO2M for 4 rounds (8min)
Power clean x1
Back squats x2
Push press / jerk x1
Clean all your stuff away get yourselves a bike or a rower and a heavy KB.
Part 2.
8x E2MO2M. (16min)
Round 1 -12xAKB swings bike or row remainder of time
Round 2 -12x KB burpee deadlifts bike or row remainder of time