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Heavy Metcon 23/1/19

Posted 22nd January 2019 by Geoff Stewart
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This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!

Warm up for below you have 10mins

This is a gassy workout. We don’t want you to go to heavy (but remember this is HMC) you should be able to do the exercise number unbroken throughout each section and put bar down to reset if needed.


15x deadlifts

12x hang power cleans

11x front squats

9x push press

Rest 1min after each round 3min after last round to reset bar for next piece.


11x deadlifts

9x hang power cleans

7x front squats

5x push press

Rest 1min after each round 3min after last round to reset bar for next piece.


7x deadlifts

5x hang power cleans

3x front squats

1x split jerk

Rest 1min after each round 3min to reset for final piece

3min rounds -as many rounds as possible in remaining time.

90seconds Bike, row or ski-erg

MEx T2B or K2E