Crossfit Program 4/2/2019 – 10/2/19
Welcome to February, with a change of program and the CrossFit open in 3 weeks we will see some changes to the programming coming in.
- Sundays CrossFit classes will be the Open workout – we may modify this for those not wishing to count their score. Maybe a team and/or partner workout, yet if you’re entering a score the workout can be done standalone
- A slight shift towards the barbell and mains lifts in the programming
- Movement flows at the beginning of each day to get us moving quicker in these cooler climates. These will be simple, with an aim of getting warmer before we touch those barbells.
?Warm-Up – 5 minutes continuous?
10 x Kb Swings
10 x Caterpillar walkouts
10 x Banded lateral walks
Every 4 m
A: Rack Pull (above t:he knee) 4 x 12 @ 2111 – Rest :30
A2: Banded Bench Press 4 x 12 @ 2111 – Rest :90
Every 3 minutes complete:
B: Backward Sled Drag (heavy) 3 x 1 lap
B2: 1/2 Kneeling DB Shoulder Press 3 x 12ea
B3: Bent Over Reverse Fly 3 x 12
Move though while keeping the rest to a minimum. No longer than 60 seconds.
10 min AMRAP of:
5 STOH 50/35
10 Deadlift 50/35
15 Box jumps – step down 24/20
?Warm-Up – 5 minutes continuous?
10 x Kb Clean
10 x Kb Front Rack Squat
10 x Banded Pull-a-Part
8 minutes: Every 2 minutes
A: Clean Grip Panda Pull
8 minutes: Every 2 minutes
4 x 3
B: Low Hang Power Clean
4 x 3
8 minutes: Every 2 minutes
C: Push Press + Push Jerk
4 x 3
15 minute time cap to complete in pairs:
2 rounds each of:
Burpee x 8
Thruster x 10 30 / 20
2 rounds each of:
Burpee x 8
Thruster x 8 35 / 25
2 rounds each of:
Burpee x 8
Thruster x 6 42.5 / 30
2 rounds each of:
Burpee x 18
Thruster x 4 50 / 35
2 rounds each of:
Burpee x 8
Thruster x 2 55 / 40
?Warm-Up – 5 minutes continuous?
10 cal Bike
Front Plank 45-60 sec
10 cal Ski
Side Plank – 45-60 sec
10 cal row
A: Supported Bulgarian Split Squats 4 x 10 ea @ 41×1
A2: Ez / DB Reverse Curl 4 x 6-10 @41×1
B: High Box Step Up / Pistol
3 x 8 @ 3010
B2: BB / DB Standing Curl
3 x 6-10 @ 3010
3 Rounds of
Every 5 minutes complete*
30 DU
10 Box Jump / Step Overs
10 Burpees
500m Row / 400m SkiErg
*50% of the group goes on 0:00 and the second @ 2:30. Aim to complete the given movements in 3:30-4:00. If longer than 4 mins reduce the volume to make sure you’re getting some rest. Aim for consistent times.
?Warm-Up – 5 minutes continuous?
10ea x Curtsey Lunges
10 x Banded Passthrough, in
10 x Down Ups
Every 2 minutes:
A: Power Snatch + OHS (pause 3 sec at
5 x 2 +1
Every 3 Minutes
B2: KB Swing (Russain)
5 x 8
Complete 3 total rounds of:
One round is equal to:
3 rounds:
5 x DB Snatch (each arm) 22.5 / 15
5 x DB Thruster (each arm)
5 x Chin Up
Run 400m
?Warm-Up – 5 minutes continuous?
10 x Wall Balls
125m x Row / Ski
A: Paused Front Squat 4 x 2-4 @ 33×1
A2: Chin Up 4 x 4-6 @ 33×1
– or-
A2: Chest Supported Db Row 3 x 10 @ 20×1
Teams of 3
Row 5000m (total)
25 rounds of 5 Deadlifts (medium) + 10 Wall Balls
One team member rows, one completes rounds of DL + WB, the third rests. Work on team strategy of when you change. Work to your strengths and communicate with your team members. If you complete row or rounds first finish the remaining meters or rounds.
?Warm-Up – 5 minutes continuous?
10 x KB Push Press
10 X KB Squat Clean
10 x KB Snatch
20 x DU
Every 2 minutes:
A: Paused Clean @ knee for 2 seconds
5 x 3
Every 2 minutes:
B: 3 Position Clean Deadlift, pause 2 seconds @ 2″ off the floor, below knee, above knee
4 x 3
B2: Ab rollouts x 10-12
AMRAP in 18 minutes
50 x Wall Ball Shots
50 x Double Unders
40 x Box Jumps
40 x Toes-to-Bars
30 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 x Burpees
20 x Kb Squat Cleans
20 x Kb Jerks
10 x Kb Snatches