Heavy Metcon 20/2/2019

This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!
Its a bit of a number is this one, you’ll need to set your minds to getting the work done earning and making the most of any rest you might be getting and remember it will finish.
Starter. 10min. E2MO2M -This should be consistent and steady.
3xClusters with light bb
3x burpees
6x cals
Main event.
30min EMOM
Min 1- 3x Clusters (squat clean into thruster) rx 50/35
Min2 – 5 pull ups, 10 press ups and 15 air squats
Min 3- Rowing or Bike 10-12 or12-15 Kcals
Repeat the above pattern x10 rounds. If you take a break rest 1min then start where you left off. This is a EMOM workout, DON’T do all exercise then rest the remainder of the 3min…EMOM means EVERY MINUTE ON THE MINUTE.
30x Ab rollouts