Heavy Metcon 6/3/2109

This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!
HMC people this is a good little workout we are asking you to move some weight with great form in the first piece so please make sure your warm and ready for it. You don’t want to go to light or as youll be kicking yourself and will not be getting the gains intended for the whole session. Part 2 is a bit of a chipper get on with makes the numbers count.
Warm up 10minutes
Part 1 In a 20minute window do 5x rounds of the below with 90seconds rest after each round.
Deadlifts x5
Hang power cleans x4
Push jerks x3
Thrusters x2
The RX for this is 80/55kg, if you need to go lighter please do be sensible but brave this is HMC.
Part 2
In a 20minute window as many rounds as possible
Pull ups x20
Mono-structural x30cals
Dips x20
Mono-structural x30cals
Press ups x20
Mono-structural x30cals
Prone DB rows x20ea alternating sides
Mono-structural x30cals
Good Luck…