Heavy Metcon 13/2/2019

This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!
Keeping it simple tonight be brave lift some weight and do some deep breathing… it doesn’t need to be complex
Warm up
10min to get ready for the below please.
Part 1 You need to start with a good weight and build through each 6min block you have 2min between blocks to reset.
EMOM -6min
Odd min -5x power cleans
Even min 5x push press
Rest 2min
EMOM -6 min
Odd min -3x power cleans
Even min 3x push press /jerk
Rest 2min
E30secO30sec – 6min 1x power clean and jerk
Rest 4min
Part 2
2x rounds Box jumps x20
Pull ups x20
Goblet squat x20 (1x heavy kb)
Ring dips x20
Mono-structural x80calsGood Luck…