Heavy Metcon 3/3/2019

This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!
This is going to a three-part workout. We want to be really warm up and shifting some tin in part one so you can go into part 2 ready. Part 2 is about not missing any reps if you need to take some time a few extra breaths -do. Part 3 Breath heavy work hard go home happy.
Part 1 –12min
6min EMOM – getting moving and build the weight.
Clean high pull x1
Power clean x1
Front squat x1
Push press x1
6min EMOM- we want you to build the weight to a good solid single for the day.
Power clean x1
Part 2 -15min
10 rounds
Wall balls x10
Power clean x1
We want you to move with purpose and good form. The weight on the power clean should be at least were you finished up on part 1, you’ll need to take a few good breaths set yourself and make the rep, we are not great fans of the missed rep.
Part 3 -15min
15min EMOM
Min 1 Bike ME for distance
Min 2 Db OHP
Min3 row ME distance
Min 4 Db pronated alt rows
Min 5 rest