Heavy Metcon 24/4/2019

This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!
Main part of the sandwich tonight is going to be a longer piece. We are looking to develop a good old fashioned engine. It doesn’t need to be over compicated just done with focus and intent. Good luck
Warm up -12mins
BB High pull x3
BB power clean x3
Front squat x3
Push press x3
Bike, row or ski-erg 12kcal
3x2min rows, bike, ski erg or sled push with 10 burpees after ever 2min effort (3sets)
Round 1 – 50 power cleans rx 70 /50
3x2min rows, bike, ski erg or sled push with 10 burpees after ever 2min effort (3sets)
Round 2 – 50 box jumps or 100 step ups
3x2min rows, bike, ski erg or sled push with 10 burpees after ever 2min effort (3sets)
Round 3 – 50 Db devil press rx 2×20/12.5
If you got some time.
Bicep DB curls 3×20
Tricep banded extensions 3×20