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Heavy Metcon 8/5/2019

Posted 7th May 2019 by Geoff Stewart
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This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!

This is going to be a fun little number as always, it’s going to get sweaty but even in the depth of battle please remember, form over weight and don’t break yourselves we want you to come back.  

Warm up -10mins

10 cals on Bike

1x high pull

1x power clean

1x front squat

1x push press

Build weight as you feel.  


Part 1 We would like you to use sensible weights and move smoothly through the reps, you should get enough rest to set yourself up for your round of CINDY.


EMOM for 6 min

Odd min. 7x powers clean and press

Even min. 1 round of “Cindy”

Rest 2min – add some weight

EMOM for 6min

Odd min. 5x powers clean and press

Even min. 1 round of “Cindy”

Rest 2 min – add some weight

EMOM for 6min

Odd min. 3x powers clean and press

Even min. 1 round of “Cindy”  


Part 2

4x rounds Row 500 meters -or 2mins bike

3x rounds

10x T2B or T2R

10x box jumps


Enjoy x