Heavy Metcon 15/5/2019

This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!
Warm up because it just is t hot enough. Spend 10 mins getting set up and ready for the below.
1. 2x squat cleans and 6 burpees over the bar
2. 2min Max distance -monostructural
3. 4x squat cleans and 12x burpees over bar
4. 2min max distance -mono-structural
5 6x squat cleans and 18x burpees over bar
6. 2min max distance -mono-structural
7. 8x squat cleans and 24x burpees over bar
8. 2min max distance -mono-structural
9. 10x squat cleans and 32x burpees over bar
when you have got your breath back and calmed down
B1. 3×10 rollouts
B2. 3×10 T2Rings
Love x