Heavy Metcon 22/5/2019

This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome!
Warm up for the below make sure you build up to a good weight on the lifts so you know what weight you’re going to be putting on the bar ….please -10mins
Working with a partner switching between exercises. You need to be working at a good 70%+ of your 1rpm on the lifts your form should be smooth and fluid, no failed reps, no bouncing and no shit form.
In a 6mins window
A1 Bench press 4×6
A2 back squats 4×6
In remaining time Max distance on Mono-structural (bike, ski, row)
Rest 4 mins to reset
In a 6mins window
A1 Strict pull ups 4×6
A2 Deadlifts 4×6
In remaining time Max distance on Mono-structural (bike, ski, row)
Rest 4 mins to reset
In a 6mins window
A1 OH Press 4×6
A2 l rev BB lunges 4x6e
In remaining time Max distance on Mono-structural (bike, ski, row)
Rest 4 mins to tidy all equipment away.
6mins -MX rounds
Ab rollouts x10 Heavy
KB side bends x10each side
Enjoy it… x