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Gymnastics – June 2019

Posted 2nd June 2019 by Jenna Fisher

Some great results in the competition last month, with individual and team performances improving massively. One team (Darragh and Roy) achieved a 30% increase, from 10 rounds completed in the first week to 13 rounds completed in the last. That’s 75 extra reps. Plus a heavier dead-ball, going up from 20kg to 30kg for the 400m run. The full results and winners will be announced in a separate blog post.

This month we will have a three-part competition:

a) max unbroken reps: bar muscle ups, pull ups, ring row (advanced/intermediate/beginner)

b) workout 1 (see programme below)

c) workout 2 (see programme below)

Complete a) one week and b) and c) another week. More on this in the competition blog post.


June programme


A. Warm-up

Method borrowed from a Royal Ballet School friend of a friend (minus the kicks and pirouettes).

5-minute drill. No rest. Any mistakes/bad form/late arrivals and the 5 minutes start again*. (*Beginners are excluded from this rule, and the 6amer who has to cycle in from Paddington!).



Advanced – back lever drills

Intermediate – continue working on your bar or ring muscle up drills and handstand walk

Beginners – continue working on your strength programme to achieve/improve your first pull-ups and dips (programme at the bottom of this post).

Note: there are two coaches in the class and each group will be taught what to do, so if you are new there is nothing to worry about – do come and join in.



There are two workouts to part C. And three options for each – advanced, intermediate and beginner. As before, test where you are in the first week and spend the following weeks manipulating this to improve your performance. In the last week, the prescribed workouts will be performed again and scores will be collected to be entered into the competition for those who wish to do so (not compulsory).


The competition workouts continue to be from the list of “Hero workouts” dedicated to people who have lost their lives. Some are official CrossFit HQ workouts and others are those sent in to be added to the list from other gyms. We are doing the latter.


This is just an internal competition – for fun, and to inspire a monthly project to work on to improve yourselves. I have therefore given two options for both intermediate and beginner to cater to the two distinct skill levels within these groups. This should provide everyone with something worth trying to achieve or improve on – there is no motivation in the unachievable nor that which requires little effort. Having options in a competition may be somewhat taboo but since it’s got you results so far let’s not apologise for it.



Workout 1 – Advanced


5 rounds for time

7 muscle up (we will do ring muscle ups – you can choose strict or kipped and there will be one winner from each).

21 target burpees (6 inches above your hand when held above your head)



Workout 2 – Advanced

“Joseph Marchbanks Jr”

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

DB snatch 35kg / 20kg (reps are total number, using alternate arms i.e. 10 = 5 each arm completed R, L, R, L etc)

Handstand push up (you can choose strict or kip and there will one winner from each. Hands must be on 10kg plates)



Workout 1 – Intermediate

5 rounds for time

3 ring muscle up (can kip) OR 7 chest-to-bar chin ups (you can choose and there will be one winner from each).

21 target burpees (6 inches above your hand when held above your head)



Workout 2 – Intermediate

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

DB snatch 22.5kg / 17.5kg (reps are total number, using alternate arms i.e. 10 = 5 each arm completed R, L, R, L etc)

Handstand push up (kipped with hands on floor)



Workout 1 – Beginner

5 rounds for time

3 chin up OR 15 ring rows (you choose and there will be one winner from each).

21 burpees (no target)



Workout 2 – Beginner

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

DB snatch 17.5kg / 12.5kg (reps are total number, using alternate arms i.e. 10 = 5 each arm completed R, L, R, L etc)

Push up on low p-bars




Britney ab workout (again borrowed from a dancer)

Due to time constraints, this may need to wait until next month, but I thought I’d entice you in with a little mention now 😉


Beginner Strength Programme (month 2)

If your reason for joining these classes is to improve strength rather than to get sweaty, you can complete this programme instead of the workouts:

A1. Chin up (or partner assisted NG chin up) 4 x 2-4

A2. Partner assisted dip 4 x 2-4

B1. Lat pull down  (pronated, wide) 5 x 5-7

B2. Decline NG DB chest press 5 x 5-7

B3. Garhammer raises 4 x 10-15

C1. Scott curl (supinated) EZ bar 4 x 6-8

C2. Tricep ext (pronated) EZ bar 4 x 6-8

Beginners who are not yet able to support their body weight on the rig should complete the appropriate option from the May programme. Your coach will teach you what to do and if you have already done that he/she will progress you from there.


Enjoy x