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Crossfit program: 5/8/19 to 11/8/19

Posted 2nd July 2019 by Geoff Stewart


Week 1 of our August training program.

This week and with this short block we are aiming for a rounded approach to training were we are going to cover all bases from structural balance, basic lifting, olympic lifting skill, heavy breathing and of course fun.


Monday: Clean and jerk skills and some heavy breathing

Tuesday: Structural balance and some wall balls.

Wednesday: Upper body work and a muscle burn.

Thursday: Gymanstics -Ninja shit

Friday: Snatching and a classic “opex” WOD.

Saturday: Thruster and a serious team work.

Sunday: Some “HERO” shit going down.


12 minutes to build to a comfortable weight

A: squat Clean or power + Jerk x 2+1


5 sets E2MO2M – Complex

B: Hang Clean Pull + Hang Clean + FS x 2+2+2


EMOM 15 min

Min1. Power clean & Jerk x6 @50-60% of A

Min2. Wall Ball x ME

Min3. DU x ME or 45sec singles



12 Minutes of:

A1: FFE Split Squats 4 x 8-10 @ 3010

A2: Lying banded Hamstring Curls 4 x 12 @ 2020


5 sets on 3 mins (15mins)

B1: Front Squat 5 x 6,6,6,4,4 @ 31×1

B2: Frisbee Seal Walks 5 x 1 Lap


As many reps as Possible in 14 Minutes

7 Pull Ups

28 Wallballs

200mtr run



12 minutes of:

A: Push Jerk + Behind the neck press 4 + 4

*Aim for 6 sets. Keep the movements fluid


16 mins E2MO2M

B1: BB Bench Press 4 x 5 @ 30×0

B2: Pull Up 4 x 5 @ 30×0


15 mins

3 Rounds of:

3 Mins work ME 1 min Rest

Deadlift x 6 @ 60%

Press Ups x 12



12 minutes to build to a comfortable weight

A: Power Snatch + Snatch x 1-2


6 sets E2MO2M (12mins of great form)

B: Hang Snatch Pull + Hang Sn + OHS 2+2+2


The below to be done in waves please. Time your rounds AFAP.

2 Rounds – Rest 8 Mins*

Row 250m

10 Kb Swing

10 Burpee

10 Kb Swing

10 Burpee

Row 250


*While you are resting please complete

3 rounds total

C1 – Lying Powell raise x 10

C2 – Lean away Lateral raise x 10



15 minutes to build to a comfortable weight

A: Thruster x 3rep max

* Once the weight is found reduce and complete 2-3 sets of 12 reps. This will be the weight you use in the workout


7 Mins of YGIG: fast rounds

7 Thrusters (Unbroken, be wise on the weight)

10-14 Cals Bike / Rower /ski

Rest 2 mins

7 Mins of YGIG:

9 Deadlift (unbroken)

9 Burpee

Rest 2 mins

7 Mins of YGIG:

12 KB Swing

12 Wall Ball



20minx work

BB complex YGIG -light

5x deadlifts

5x Power clean

5x front squats

5x push press


Hero workout


7 Rounds for Time

7 Handstand Push-Ups (scales)

7 Thrusters (135/95 lb)

7 Knees-to-Elbows (scales)

7 Deadlifts (245/165 lb)

7 Burpees

7 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)

7 Pull-Ups (NO ring rows)