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Heavy Metcon 14th/7/2019

Posted 13th August 2019 by Geoff Stewart


This is an advanced class you need tone  competent with your basic lifts and able to work with out much coaching. We can scale all workout so if you feel brave and want to try it out please check in with the coach. Good Luck.


Warm up for the below…10mins

We would like you to go into this set with an idea of where you might want to end up at  minute 4. Min 4 should be a hard solid set of 4. then you have a minute to adjust your weight down to a weight you are going to be able to maintain for another 10sets EMOM of 4 reps.

EMOM for 15min

Min1. 1x power clean and press

Min2.  2x power clean and press

Min 3. 3x power clean and press

Min 4. 4x power clean and press

Min 5. Adjust your weight down to good solid number you can maintain.

Min 6. 4x power clean and press

Min 7. 4x power clean and press

etc etc

Min 15. 4x power clean and press


12min with a running clock -just do it…

Min 0-3

6x pull ups

6x box jumps

Min 3-6


Min 6-9

12x press ups

12x squat jumps

Min 9-12
