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Heavy Metcon21/8/2019

Posted 21st August 2019 by Geoff Stewart


This is an advanced class you need tone  competent with your basic lifts and able to work with out much coaching. We can scale all workout so if you feel brave and want to try it out please check in with the coach. Good Luck.

Welcome to HMC. Its with a bit of sadness but mixed with a large amount of anticipation we are happy to say that HMC is taking a break from the Momentum training calendar and is to be replaced with Anthony “Heavy Metal” sessions. YES thats sessions, Heavy Metal will have 2 session every week Monday and Friday nights. Check you Team Up calanders for new slots.


Tonights workout is a bit of a mind game (its also pretty hard) you  need to be brave with your weight on your squat clean then you’ll need to decide on a counting method. Don’t skip sets or reps. You’ll be thankful when your done.

Warm up for the below you have 10mins to build up to your working weight.


20 rounds (40mins)

1x squat clean @85%+ of your 1 rpm

3x chest to bar pul ups – strict

5x hand release press ups –


In the remaining time Bike or Row as many meters as possible.


Good luck