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Barbell Club – September 2019

Posted 1st September 2019 by Jenna Fisher


September is month 3 of this 5-month cycle and after a month of legs, legs, and more legs, you will now alternate back to focus on upper body once again.

Back and delts are the prime muscle groups this month. Think v-taper and caps.


July – chest

August – squat and quads

September – shoulders and back

October – hamstrings and glutes

November – consolidate all lifts, building to the annual 1RM test in early December


Click here for Barbell Club Programme pdf – September 2019 


Click here for Barbell Club Weights Log excel – 2019


Since all but one of the classes are now in the front room, the cables and machines have been utilised greater. At times, this may need some communication between teams regarding equipment. For example, if more than one group are doing day one in a particular class, allocate one group to start on the A exercise (pull ups) and the other group to start on the B exercises (leg extensions and back squats) and this will prevent a queue for the machine. The coach can organise these logistics to make everything run smoothly for you.


Get a few deep tissue massages on your legs this month. They need to recover from August and get ready for the intensity of October.


Enjoy x