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Olympic Lifting – September

Posted 11th September 2019 by Josh Schouten

This month, we will be looking at building to 2 rep maxes in our Front and Backsquat, as well as testing out our 1RM for the Clean, and Jerk from the racks.
I would like athletes to try out various maxes depending on how you feel on the day, to enable us to establish whether we need to work on strength in the squat to get those numbers up or make technical adjustments in the lift. This will help determine October’s programming, helping me fine-tune the squat cycle for the individual and what complexes we need to be adding in, gearing us up towards max out in November.
Reps in the squat are lower this month with percentages going up, adding in a few more complexes to help us stay more upright when we Jerk and keeping our torso tall, as well as my favourite mixing in spicy complexes having us Jerk under fatigue. WOO
Snatch drills will be from the hip working on that turnover with OHS adding pauses in the catch position, learning to control our core when we come out of the lift.
Let’s just have fun with it and enjoy the ride.