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Crossfit program 16th – 22nd March 2020

Posted 15th March 2020 by Josh Schouten


2020 – Part IV

Moving into the 4th phase of training for 2020 we are going to use Mondays and Fridays to work towards some heavyish loads so we can begin to test ourselves. Aim to get used to adding a little more weight whilst keeping good technique with these sets of 2-3 reps. Phase V is where the magic will happen so avoid trying to max out every day of every week during phase IV (or ever) as this will be detrimental to your progress. Hold back slightly and leave some in the tank for the coming weeks. Your nervous system needs time to adjust to the 90+ loads so please don’t overreach in the first few weeks.

Wednesday and Saturday will still be our energy systems and team workout days respectively!


Weekly Breakdown:

Monday – Clean + Lower Body Strength

Tuesday – Jerk + Upper-Body Strength

Wednesday – Energy Systems

Thursday – Gymnastics unicorn moves

Friday – Snatch + OHS tekkers

Saturday – Bring a friend/s team workouts

Sunday – CrossFit benchmark workouts




Part A – For 18 minutes 


Build to a tidy 2-3 reps


Part B – For 12 minutes


Back Squat

Advanced: Build to a Heavy 2-3 reps

Beginner: 2-3 reps @ 60×0 tempo

*Note we are using this tempo to teach you the position and have the coordination in preparation for those heavy lifts.


Todays Conditioning 


15 min EMOM

Min 1: Power Cleans x 6-8
Min 2: Wall Ball (heavy)x 8-10
Min 3: Row / Bike x 8-10 cal

The aim here is to get each of these to roughly 30-40 sec work and 20-30 rest. Play with the numbers and see how you get on.




Part A – Every 2 minutes (14min)

Power Clean + Split Jerk

7 x 1 + 4


Part B – 5 rounds

Push Press x 7

Du 70% of max reps

Rest 60-90 seconds to recover from the effort, increase the weight on the bar each round.

*Note spend 2-3 attempts to do a max effort DU. Once you have this number you can use this for the above.


Todays Conditioning:


3min on / 1min off – 4 rounds

3-5 x DB / KB Clusters
5-7 x TTB / TTR
8-10 Bike / Row




Part A:

15 mins of:

6 rounds

Every 2:30 complete

Complete both before resting.
A1. 5 x Power Cleans
A2. 10 x Squat Jumps

rest 3 mins

Part B: 

15 mins of the same format:

6 rounds

Every 2:30 complete

B1. Push Jerks x 5
B2. Heavy KB Swing x 10-15
B3. Double Under x 30-50

Part C:

P1 runs as P2 & P3 work the stations. Rotate through] in follow the leader format.

C1. 200m Run
C2. Straight Leg Sit Ups (weighted)
C3. FLR on P-Bar or Rings




Part A – For 18 minutes 


Build to a tidy 2-3 reps


Part B – Complete both every 4 minutes (12 min)

Ring Chin Up 3 x 4-6

Ring Dip 3 x 4-6


Today’s Conditioning:

15 Min of:

Every 2:30 complete

3 x Hang Power Snatch
5 x wall Ball
10 x Cal Assult Bike / row / ski




Team workouts will now be suspended indefinitely.


Buy In – 40 BURPEES


30 Wall Balls 9/6

20 Deadlift 60/45

30 Bike

20 Hang Power cleans 60/45

Cash Out – 40 BURPEES





Coaches choice on technique work:


Beat swings / Kipping / Toes to Rings / Toes to Bar


The test:


20 minutes AMRAP:


5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squat



Cindy’s Cousin

5 Burpees

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squat


5-8 minute cool down on a cardio piece, conversational at all times!