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Home Workout 5

Posted 25th March 2020 by Jenna Fisher

All of this week’s workouts will be posted in one document after day 6 has been published.  This will give you a simple point of reference for repeating these workouts in future weeks.

Each day is split into two sections: Strength Endurance and Conditioning. Since we are working with lighter weights during this period you can either complete these back-to-back or in separate sessions (2 sessions per day or on 2 separate days). Either way, by the end of the week you will have approximately 14 workouts to play with, mix and match, repeat to try and better your performance, etc.; plus various warm-ups and post-workout chill.

Day 5 – video demo will be posted on instagram


A1. Weighted squat 2×20 reps:

3 sec eccentric (i.e. 3 secs to go down) and 5 sec pause at the bottom of each rep. Keep the KB in a goblet position on your chest throughout (or weight plate, or dead-ball, or DBs on your shoulders, or weighted BB on your back)

A2. Calf raises 2×40 reps (x20 toes out x20 toes in)

A3. *Slow* mountain climber 2×40 reps


B1. Seated (pike position) shoulder press 3×12-15

B2. Powell raise 3×10-12 each side


C1. Hammer curl – one and a quarter rep 3×10-12

C2. Lying tricep extension – long head focus (elbows remain above your head) 3×10-12


D1. Zotterman curl 3×14-16 (palms up on way up, palms down on way down) 

D2. Lying tricep extension – short head focus (elbows remain above your chest) 3×14-16



KB or DB


2 rounds – complete the whole workout once and then start again 


3 snatch – right arm

3 thruster – right arm

3 snatch – left arm

3 thruster – left arm


5 single arm swings – right arm

5 power snatch – right arm

5 single arm swings – left arm

5 power snatch – left arm


20 squat jumps


3 snatch – right arm

3 thruster – right arm

3 snatch – left arm

3 thruster – left arm


5 single arm swings – right arm

5 power snatch – right arm

5 single arm swings – left arm

5 power snatch – left arm


40 double unders


2 min plank hold