G.P.P. training program 3rd August -9th August 2020
Welcome back and isn’t it great?
So how are you all finding the new set up and timetable? And much more importantly how are you all feeling? We have had some feedback about trouble with stairs, getting on and off the toilet and putting object into cupboards above eyelevel. We did warn you many many times. For most of us been a while and the magic word to start with is consistency.
This week’s training program is very similar to week 2, that is the idea we can all begin to get use to moving, lifting some weight (sensible please) get our breathing into shape, get used to doing a good volume of work in 45-50min and of course working out with others.
Week 3. Good luck
Monday. Cleans
Tuesday. Squat and Pull
Wednesday. Snatch
Thursday. Other programs
Friday. Deadlift and push
Saturday. Heavy breathing
Sunday. Other programs
Clean warm up 8min
Muscle clean x3
Clean Pull x3
Power clean x3
front squat x3
Squat clean x3
20mins E2MO2M -build weight
A Power clean, squats clean and clean and press 2+2+1
Single DB alt clusters
Rest 3min
ME Burpee pull ups
3x Burpee 3x jump pull ups
15mins to complette
A1. Back squats 5×5-7
A2 pull ups 5×3-5 scales
10mins EMOM
B1. Box jumps x6-8
B2. Ring rows x12-16 3010
10min work
Min 1 Db Step ups
Min 2 T2B
Min3 Db Step ups
Min 4 . Mountain climbers
Min 5. Rest
8min with an empty BB
2xmuscle snatch
2x hang power snatch
2x squat snatch
2x OHS
12min E2MOM
Hang pwr snatch x3
squats jumps x6
4x3min rounds
2min work 1min rest
Wall balls x25
Mono structural xMax cals
15min to complete
A1. Deadlifts 5×5-7
A2. DB seated OH press 5×10-12ea
12min EMOM
Min 1.HR plate press ups x12
Min 2. sumo DL x12
4 rounds
12 T2B
6 Bupress
Clean warm up -10mins
Muscle cleans x5
High pulls x5
Power clean x5
Front squats x5
Squat cleans x5
10 mins E30sec on 30sec
- 1x clean and press – Modorate weight
“360 degrees”
10 RFT YGIG with person next to you
30 Double Unders or Hop jumps
3 Hang Power Cleans 50 / 30
2 Hang Squat Clean
1 Thruster