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G.P.P. training program 17th August -23rd August 2020

Posted 16th August 2020 by Geoff Stewart

Starting off with a huge thanks to all members old and new who have really helped get us back up and running filling the arch with sweat, laughter and in some cases tears and the odd trip to the alley. Thanks for embracing social distancing and cleaning everything they can get their hands on. Moving forward, our current timetable, layout and rules of play will remain the same for at least the next six weeks.

Enough of that let’s talk training. You have a good solid 5 weeks under our ever reducing and firming up waist lines. There have been some highs and lows in terms of training.  The highs being we are training, getting fitter, seeing friends and the lows been unable to get of the toilet, walk up the stairs or put thing back on any shelf above eye level.

Our GPP program over this next block will moving up a notch, as a member said to me last week “we are back in then”. Yes, we are!  As well as covering all the GPP training bases. We will also be looking and checking in with your basic foundation lifts with a focus on squats, deadlifts, pull ups and bench. There is a good amount of BB skill work enough breathing and capacity work to keep all happyish.

Week 5. Let the games begin.

Monday. Cleans

Tuesday. Squat and Pull

Wednesday. Snatch

Thursday. Other programs

Friday. Deadlift and push

Saturday. Heavy breathing

Sunday. Other programs


12 minutes to build to a comfortable weight

A: squat Clean or pwr + Jerk x (2+1)


6 sets E2MO2M

B: Hang Clean Pull + Hang PwrClean + FS

x 2+2+2


EMOM 15 min

Min1. Clean & Jerk x6 @60-70% of A

Min2. 12xKB high pulls

Min3. 36x DU or 45sec singles



10 minutes

A Back squats 4/5x 4-8 @3010


10 minutes

B Pull ups 4/5 x 5 @ 40×0


10min EMOM

C1 Goblet squats x12 -heavy

C2 Ring iso holds x40sec -top of pull up


As Many Reps as possible in 14 Minutes

7 Pull Ups

28 Wallballs

200mtr run



12 minutes to build to a comfortable weight

A: Power Snatch + Snatch x 1-2


6 sets E2MO2M

B: Hang Snatch Pull + Hang Sn + OHS



2 each Rounds – working in 2 waves

Row 250m

10 AKb Swing Rx 24/16

10 Burpee

10A Kb Swing

10 Burpee

Row 250

Each round needs to be 90%+ effort





10 minutes

A Deadlifts 4/5x 4-8 @3010


10 minutes

B BB Bench Press 4/5 x 5 @ 40×0


10min EMOM

C1 KB swings x12 -heavy

C2 Ring iso holds x40sec. Top of press up


15 mins

4 Rounds of:

2 Mins work ME 1 min Rest

Deadlift x 12 @ 50%

DB OHP x12 moderate



12mins work

6x power cleans rx 60/45

12x air squats

6x push press

12x press ups

rest 1min

@ 80% BW – Back squats x50 reps (we have scales)

every time you break add 5x burpees


Hero workout

“Short Dork”

4 rounds for time of:

60 double-unders or 2mins

30 kettlebell swings -32/24

15 burpees

