StrongCon – Aug/Sept
The new StrongCon program begins this week, Tuesday 25th August.
Now that your muscles have got used to training again, the StrongCon workouts will rotate their day as previously done before lockdown. This means that if you attend this class on Tuesdays, for example, you will do workout 1 for two weeks, then workout 2 for two weeks, and then workout 3 for two weeks. Note your performance in the first week and try to improve it in the second week. You will then have a new workout challenge to overcome the following week.
The workouts and the full rota can be downloaded here:
StrongCon workouts and timetable
For some exercises, alternatives are given so that no-one has to share equipment. With guidance from your coach, you are welcome to choose an appropriate alternative for any movement should you need to for this reason, or due to an injury etc.
The workouts and rota are also provided below:
Workout Rotation
August | |
Tuesday 25th | Workout 1 |
Thursday 27th | Workout 2 |
Sunday 30th | Workout 3 |
September | |
Tuesday 1st | Workout 1 |
Thursday 3rd | Workout 2 |
Sunday 6th | Workout 3 |
Rotate days | |
Tuesday 8th | Workout 3 |
Thursday 10th | Workout 1 |
Sunday 13th | Workout 2 |
Tuesday 15th | Workout 3 |
Thursday 17th | Workout 1 |
Sunday 20th | Workout 2 |
Rotate days | |
Tuesday 22nd | Workout 2 |
Thursday 24th | Workout 3 |
Sunday 27th | Workout 1 |
Tuesday 29th | Workout 2 |
October | |
Thursday 1st | Workout 3 |
Sunday 4th | Workout 1 |
StrongCon Workouts
Workout 1
5 rounds
Minute 1: Sumo deadlift – BB x10 (30×0 tempo. Build the weight)
Minute 2: Wall ball x12
Minute 3: Ab roll out x12 (or alternative core exercise)
Minute 4: Assault bike* x60 secs max calories
Minute 5: Rest x60 secs
For minutes 1-3, complete the reps and then rest for the remainder of the minute.
*or alternative: rower/ski erg
4 rounds
Minute 1: Push press – BB x8
Minute 2: Double-unders or assault x40-60 reps or 12-18 cal
Minute 3: Ring row x16
8 mins sprint pace
YGIG with the person next to you (keeping 2 metres apart) or work alone. The aim is to complete both movements within 30 secs maximum and have 30 secs rest. This will be a total of 8 rounds.
C1. Deadball to shoulder* (not over) x5
C2. Burpee x5 (if you need to make this harder, burpee to target)
*If you do not have a deadball do DB snatch x3 each arm
Workout 2
E3MOM for 4 rounds
A1. Bench press – BB x10-12
A2. Bicep curl – DB or EZ x10-12
A3. Frisbee mountainclimbers x30-50 total
Complete all three movements and then rest for the remainder of the 3 minutes.
AMRAP 16 mins
Toes to rings or toes to bar x6-12
KB snatch right arm x3
KB overhead reverse lunge right leg x6
KB snatch left arm x3
KB overhead reverse lunge left leg x6
KB swings overhead x12
Air squat x12
If needed, you can scale to knee raises, push press or DB
E6MOM for 3 rounds
Run 300-400m
Rower or assault bike 400-600m or 15-30 cal
Complete both the run and row or bike and then rest for the remainder of the 6 minutes. Pick a distance that is appropriate for you and repeat the same every round. Aim for 2 minutes rest within each 6 minute block.
Workout 3
E2.5MOM for 5 rounds
A1. Pull-ups* x5
A2. Dips* x5-8
A3. Double-unders* x20-30
Complete all three movements and then rest for the remainder of the two and a half minutes.
*You can scale any of these movements as needed.
AMRAP 16 mins
Back squat – BB x6 (build the weight)
Thrusters – DB x12 (light and fast)
Hold DBs above your head* x20 secs
Rest as needed
*can switch to hollow hold on the floor if needed
4 rounds
Minute 1: Burpee box jump over – lateral jump x4-6 fast pace
Minute 2: Assault bike* x20 secs fast pace
Minute 3: Assault bike* x60 secs recovery pace
Minute 4: Rest 60 secs
*or rower or ski erg
For the assault bike (or alternative) it is 20 secs max effort then 40 secs rest followed by 60 secs recovery pace. Make sure you hold your RPM for this recovery pace – if you have gone hard enough on the 20 secs this should be a challenge to do.
Enjoy x