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G.P.P. training program 14th September -20th September 2020

Posted 13th September 2020 by Geoff Stewart

I dint now about you lot but these week are coming around faster than a Boris U turn. Onwards and upwards peeps.

Week 8. Go get it.

Monday. Cleans

Tuesday. Squat and Pull

Wednesday. Snatch

Thursday. Other programs

Friday. Deadlift and push

Saturday. Heavy breathing

Sunday. Other programs



Muscle cleans x3

Clean pulls x3

Power clean x3

squat clean x3

jerk x3


12 minutes to build to a comfortable weight

A: squat or pwr clean + Jerk x (1+1)


6 sets E2MO2M -build weight

B: Hang power clean + floating Clean and press x 2+2


12min AMRAP

5x pull ups

10x press ups

15x air sqauts

Mono 12/15 cals



12 minutes

Back squatss 6×5,5,3,3,3,3


12 minutes

Pull ups 6 x5,5,3,3,3,3



DB 16x walking lunges

DB 12x Pronated BOR

(1 hand on box long body)


2 rounds

double Db thrusters x20

DU x30

double Db  hang Snatches x20

DU x30




Muscle Snatch x3

Snatch pulls x3

Power snatch x3

OHS x3

snatch x3


12 minutes to build to a comfortable weight

Power Snatch +  floating hang Snatch x 1-1


6min every 30sec

1x power snatch


2 rounds

30kcal Mono

40 air squats

30 pess ups

20 pull ups (scales)





12 minutes

A Deadlifts 6×5,5,3,3,3,3


12 minutes

B BB Bench Press 5/6 x 5 @ 40×0


10 mins

Sumo deadlifts x6

HR press ups x12


4x2min rounds with 2min rest AFAP

12x AKBS x30 rx32/20

6x laterail burpees



20minx work

BB complex  YGIG with person next to you (complette rounds)

5x deadlifts

5x Power celan

5x front squats

5x push press


“Gut Feeling”


12 Hang Power Cleans rx60/45

21 Lateral Barbell Burpees

12 Push Jerks rx60/45

21 Toes to Bar


rest 5mins


in waves

2min max distance on bike

Please make sure you clean bikes every wave