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Gymnastics – OCT programming

Posted 30th September 2020 by Anthony Masters

Hi gang,

The last couple of months have seen some great improvement in bent arm strength as we worked towards the muscle up and overall joint strength. This month is going to be a deload on the high intensity work and introduce more volume to rest the body a bit. This is also predominantly straight arm strength focused. The intent of the programming is to help strengthen the joints of the arm more in their lengthened positions to help lay down a foundation for more complex exercises to come. This will help to continue with the joint bullet proofing journey but also support most of the bent arm work you have been doing such as the muscle ups, rope climbs, HS push ups etc. So you would expect to see some improvements revisiting these movements at a later stage.

Having said that, I would still suggest getting some bent arm strength into your routine somehow. Recently Tuesday GPP has had pull ups programmed and Friday GPP bench press, these are good additions, so check the programming on this, alternatively Barbell Club day 2 will have bent arm pull up work.

Formatting to the class will remain the same, Part A will be warm up/ skill based, Part B strength, Part C accessory work and Part D conditioning WOD which will change every week. Once familiar with the program feel free to spend more time on particular areas of interest.

Reminder – if you want to improve your gymnastics skills there is probably a lot more that you could be doing so please get in touch with me, i am happy to offer 1-2-1 coaching or provide a program that you could do at home or during open gym to support your gymnastics training. Speak to me in person or drop me an email and we can discuss further. [email protected]

See below for the October programming

Ant x

Beginner – advanced


Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Notes
A Skill: skin the cat, back lever practice or straight arm ring routine. 15 mins Focus on developing the quality & control of these movements.
B1 Rings Front lever hold 12 min AMRAP 15-20s hold 20s Choose a progression that you can hold for the prescribed time
B2 Rings active hang tuck L-sit hold 20-40s 20s Regress by keeping feet on the floor.
B3 P-bar table top to tuck L-sit 6-8 reps + 10s hold 60s Hold end position on both movements for 2-3, last rep hold in the table top position for 10s with forward lean aiming to stretch bicep/ shoulder
C1 Arching pull in 12 min AMRAP 3-5 reps 20s Hold each rep for 2-3 sec
C2 HS hold 20-40s 20s
C3 Weighted Maltese raises 6-8 reps + 10 sec hold 20s For the 10 sec hold you want to pause midway so your arms are by your side. ZERO elbow bending throughout the movement.
C4 Victorian raises 6-8 reps + 10 sec hold 20s For the 10 sec hold you want to pause midway so your arms are by your side. ZERO elbow bending throughout the movement.