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G.P.P. training program 5th October 2020- 11th October 2020

Posted 4th October 2020 by Geoff Stewart

We are going to keep it simple this week work hard, lift some good weight, be nice to people and tidy up after you. Please.


Week 11.

Monday. Cleans

Tuesday. Squat and Pull

Wednesday. Snatch

Thursday. Other programs

Friday. Deadlift and push

Saturday. Heavy breathing

Sunday. Other programs




Muscle cleans x3

Clean pulls x3

Power clean x3

squat clean x3

jerk x3


8 minutes to build to a challenging weight

1x Power clean + press


8 minutes to build to a challenging weight

1x Squat clean + jerk


EMOM 15 min

Min1. Clean & Jerk x6 @60% of A

Min2. 12xKB high pulls

Min3. 36x DU or 45sec singles



12 minutes

Back squats 6×7,5,3,7,5,3


12 minutes

Pull ups 6 x7,5,5,7,5,3


8min AMRAP (paced)

16x ring rows

16x BW alt lg rev drop lunges


3 rounds

8x Burpee jump pull ups

16x box jumps




Muscle Snatch x3

Snatch pulls x3

Power snatch x3

OHS x3

snatch x3


8 minutes to build to a challenging weight

Power snatch


8 minutes to build to a challenging weight

Squat snatch


Working in a 121 Work t to rest format

5x rounds of:

8x Thrusters Rx45/30

12-15cal x MONO





12 minutes

A Deadlifts 6×5,3,1,5,3,1


12 minutes

B BB Bench Press 5/6 x 5 @ 40×0


12mins EMOM

Min 1 12x Walking lunges

Min 2 12x ring press ups (scales)



3 rounds AFAP


12x T2B

6x D ball GTOS



16mins work YGIG (person next to you)

6x power cleans rx 60/45

12x air squats

6x push press

12x press ups



1600mtrs Run -400meter laps please

50 Dumbbell Snatch 20/12.5

75/50 Calorie Row / Bike

50 Burpees