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G.P.P training program 30th – 6th December

Posted 29th November 2020 by Geoff Stewart

Its a big week people its with a huge sigh of relief that we are sliding open the big steel door and welcoming you all, our wonderful members back into Momentum.

Ok so we have got soft touchy feely stuff out of the way. It’s time to train.

We are getting straight back onto the course people. We are following the same format as we started post lockdown 2.0 working on building those lifting complexes as well building some base lifts.

Remember you may not have lifted a BB for a few weeks……. so easy on the first set.

Monday – Snatch

Tuesday – Hamstring and pressing

Wednesday – Cleans

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Squats and Pulling

Saturday – Working hard.

Sunday – whatever you have not done.


16min Cleans warm up

Tall muscle clean

Clean high pull

Power clean

Squat clean

Power jerk


B 16min to build to a good weight for the complex

Hang power clean

Squats clean




3x2min work 1min rest

AKBS x25

ME cals mono structural





20mins to complete

A Squats 5×5

B Pull ups 5×5


12mins EMOM

Min 1 12x pistols / box squats

Min2 12x Horizontal ring rows


5 rounds

6x D ball ground to over shoulder

6x d ball squats

6x burpees


1x lap with D ball carry

short circuit



12min YGIG person next to you per movement

Deadlifts x5

Burpees x3

Power cleans x5

Burpees x3

Push press x5

Burpee x3


“Son of a pirate”

For Time:

500 mtrs mono


left single arm DB thrusters

T2B / rev crunches

right single arm DB thruster

1000s mtrs mono


left single arm DB clean n press

T2B / rev crunches

right  ingle arm DB clean and press

500 mtrs mono

