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Lockdown 3.0 training program 11th – 17th January 2021

Posted 10th January 2021 by Geoff Stewart

So how is lockdown 3.0 treating you people? Any major disasters? Have we fallen into bad habits? Or are we keeping those peckers up and getting on with it…..


We are keeping it going in the gym, it’s a bit quiet, bit cold and there is a bit to much space. Josh has found a line in really bad jokes, Geoff things anything sort of mother joke is funny and has rediscovered the original “OG” doughnut. Steve is still wearing shorts. Anthony B hurt his back watching telly so can’t do much but is eating like a true king and Bruce the dog is just being spoilt and eating anything including, gloves, coats, knee sleeves (used) wrist straps, plastic bottles, empty coffee cup but not much real food.


Away less about us and more about training. New week new program. We have switched the days around and got 2 new complexes for you to master. Remember with the complex work we want you to try and flow from movement to movement -steady and strong is the key. The stick work isn’t going any were people so please just do it because it’ll keep your form on point and help with your mobility.


Good luck, keep it clean and safe.


Momentum massive.


  • We will be putting out some mobility video over the next few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled.



Mobility and activation 5-10mins

5 rounds

Hip bridges x12

Split squats x12el


5 rounds

Hollow rocks x12

Press ups x12


4 rounds

Forward to back lunge x12el

Pronated tripod rows x12 each arm



Butterfly sit up x40

Air Squats x40

Butterfly sit up x30

Air Squats x30

Butterfly sit up x20

Air Squats x20

Butterfly sit up x10

Air Squats x10



Starting with a stick warm -6-10mins

Dislocates x10

High pull /row x10

OH press in front x10

OH press behind neck x10

OH squat x10

Scarecrow snatch x10

Drop snatch x10


Complex no 4  – 20 mins

Left arm and the right arm per exercise

Swings x6 (12)

Squat clean x6 (12)

Push press x6 (12)

Squats x6 (12)

Steady and consistent



Mobility and activation 5-10mins


5 rounds

RFE split squats x12el

seated OH press x12ea


5 rounds

Swings x24 (12ea)

Band pull a parts or pronated lying T raise x24


3 rounds – feel the burn

alt lunges x30

Burpees x5

Pronated alt bum kicks x30 (15es)

Burpees x5






Starting with a stick warm -6-10mins

Disclocates x10

High pull /row x10

OH press in front x10

OH press behind neck x10

OH squat x10

Scarecrow snatch x10

Drop snatch x10


1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 reps each side

Squat – weighted

push press


Complex no 5 -12mins

Snatch x3 each arm

Hang Squat clean x6 each arm

Burpee x12

AFAP please people




Mobility and activation 5-10mins


5 rounds

Hip thrusts x20 (Db / kb on hips)

Pronated shoulder taps x20 (10es)


4 rounds

Forward to back lunge x12el

Pronated tripod rows x12 each arm


16min AMRAP

Jumps squats x24

Bicep curls  x12-16 double handed

Bulgrian split squatsx12-16el

Tricep  ext  x12-16 double handed

jumps squats x24

Bicep curls  x12-16 double handed

Bulgrian split squatsx12-16el

Tricep  ext  x12-16 double handed