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Lockdown 3.0 training program 15th – 21st February 2021

Posted 14th February 2021 by Geoff Stewart

Lockdown 3.0 goes on and so do we. Moving things around a little this week you have got some new Complexes for you to get your teeth into. If you have the equipment please fell free to substiute exercise in and out to suit your needs.


Good luck.


Mobility and activation 5-10mins

3 rounds

Hip bridges x12

rev lunges x12el

Hip bridges x12

Forward lunges x12


3 rounds

Press ups x12

Pull ups / rows x12 each arm


8min AMRAP

Plank with alt forward reach x20ea

Air Squats / 1/2 squats x10+10

Flutter kicks x40

Air Squats / 1/2 squats x10+10



Starting with a stick warm -6-10mins

Disclocated x10

High pull /row x10

OH press in front x10

OH press behind neck x10

OH squat x10

Scarecrow snatch x10

Drop snatch x10


Complex no 6 – 12 mins

swings x20

clean and press x10ea

squats x20

BOR x10ea

Steady and consistent

Finisher 4mins

BW rev lunges



Mobility and activation 5-10mins


3 rounds

BW Alt lunges x12el

Walkout to press up x10


5 rounds

Swings x24

push press x12ea


Ladder 1>10

Squats -KB or DB


Thruster -KB or DB






Starting with a stick warm -6-10mins

Disclocates x10

High pull /row x10

OH press in front x10

OH press behind neck x10

OH squat x10

Scarecrow snatch x10

Drop snatch x10


8 rounds

waking lunges x8

Clean and press x8 (alt rounds with pull ups)

Squats x8

Rest 1min


Complex no 7 -3x3min rest 2min between

BD/ KB Snatch into push press x3 each arm

Jump squats x6

Burpee x12

Start next round where you finished



Mobility and activation 5-10mins


4 rounds

Paused Kb/Db squats x6 -5sec at bottom position

Banded pull a parts or BOR x24/12


4 rounds

Single leg RDL x12el

Paused press up x6 –5sec at bottom position


12min AMRAP

alt lunges x24

Banded of Db Bicep curls x24

Bulgarian split squatsx12el

Tricep kickbacks x24 (tins)